Ezbuy Has Responded to Its Delay & It was a Sincere Apology

A while back, Ezbuy ticked off quite a number of patrons when they pulled off a pretty questionable stunt. In a move nobody saw coming, Ezbuy halted...

13-year-old Wanted to Leave Gang But Ended Up in a Hospital Instead

Growing up in Singapore, we may have come across stories of schoolmates being involved in gang fights. We have also heard of 'staring incidents' that...

Young Mercs Driver Went off Road & Hit 4 People – ‘Coz He Was...

Traffic accidents are bound to happen as there will always be human error, so one can never be too safe on the road. I had...

Everything about oBike’s Data Breach You Should Know

 I am sure we have all seen a growing number of shared bicycles around Singapore.   They are basically everywhere. So far, there are a total of...

Motorcyclist Warned E-scooter Not to be on the Road then LTA Officers Appeared Magically

There's a reason why e-scooters aren't allowed on the road. Apart from the glaring fact that it's dangerous for you, there's also another aspect: It's dangerous for...

Here’s the Largest Starbucks in the World & Even Jack Ma Has Been There

China, the land of tea, is now home to the world’s biggest Starbucks and it is the second Starbucks Reserve Roastery in the world. This...

Two Aunties Fought with an Umbrella & Chair. Video-taker Didn’t Help ‘Coz He’s Still...

For today's headline news, we have... Two aunties in their 70s fighting in a coffee shop, with nothing but an umbrella and a plastic chair. Hey...

Turns out There Has Been Arrests in Public Transport: Up till Oct this Year,...

Yesterday, we talked about how we shouldn’t freak the **** out—if you’re a not fan of dogs—or get all excited—if you’re a fan of...

Kind Grab Driver Refused Payment After Understanding Rider’s Plight

Have you heard about the guy who made a rap for Grab? If you haven't, make sure you check it out after reading this....

A Disturbing Poll Revealed 80% of People Think Obese People Should Pay More for...

So there's this poll done by Jetcost.co.uk that makes me feel uncomfortable. Apparently, nearly 80% of British people feel that obese people should pay more...