Young Man Who Reluctantly Married Elderly Suddenly Turned Happy When He’s Given Money

Wedding bells are ringing away, but yet we see a young man who is pulling a long face. Isn't a wedding supposed to be...

NSman Claimed He Lost His Job Because of ICT to ST, But MINDEF Replied...

So this guy apparently secured a job overseas, and tried to apply for deferment for his NSmen service. According to him, he had applied...

Man Cross-Dressed as Woman Because He Wants Cheaper Movie Tickets on International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day, a cinema in China offered half-price movie tickets for all women. Great if you’re a woman, and really nothing much...

Okay, This S’pore School is Willing to Offend Parents to Impart the Best Values...

We grew up learning through our experiences in school. Remember the times where we forgot to bring our textbooks to school? We had to...

These Chinese Tourists in Japan Became the Most Hated on The Internet Because They...

A picture speaks a thousand words, just like the selfies these Chinese tourists have taken.Instead of portraying the beauty of nature, it just screams...

This Touching Story of a Dad Becoming a Taxi Driver to Find Lost Daughter...

Losing something that matters a lot to you is not easy to deal with, especially when it is someone of your blood and flesh....

Student Buys Xiaomi Online & Gets 小米. Literally 小米.

Actually, we kinda took some artistic liberties with that headline. The student got a bag of 大米, actually. Man, whoever did that really missed the...

Circles.Life Offers 20 GB Mobile Data for $20 & Disrupt the Market Like Siao

Remember Circles.Life? Being the only mobile virtual network operator in Singapore, they have only one plan to offer.If you can't remember Circle.Life, here's an article...

In Yishun, a Relief Teacher Used Vulgar Language & is Not Longer Hired

Want to make a guess on where this incident has taken place? Yeap, you've guessed it. Now people have one more reason to talk...

Man’s Decision to Sleep 5 More Min Saved His Life

Get ready for an unbelievable story because this is going to sound like a deleted scene from reverse-final-destination. You know, ‘cos Final Destination has...