Confirmed: A&W Coming Back to S’pore in 2018
Last week, my colleague wrote an article about A&W’s comeback in 2017, with a goal of 25 international stores.Hashtags of #comebacktosganw started to emerge...
Changi T4 Is Having a Open House So You Can Experience T4 Without Taking...
You've been hearing endlessly about Changi T4 for the past couple of weeks.Or you might have even seen the amazing pictures posted on Changi Airport's...
8 Facts About The Lift That Fell 4 Floors In Jurong, Tearing a Woman’s...
When you first heard about China's freak lift accidents, you were glad that you're not living in that country.Media all across the world were...
S’pore Is Getting Hotter Not Just Because Of Global Warming, & It’ll Get Worse
Do you feel that Singapore is getting hotter by the day? So much so you'd rather eat in office and see your boss's face...
M’sian Tour Bus Allegedly Disappeared With Travellers’ Luggage & Valuables At Johor Checkpoint
It can be a nightmare passing through the checkpoint when you travel from Singapore to Malaysia.You queue up for a long time to get...
Another FB War Between Business Owner & Customer, This Time with Really Hurtful Words
Let’s pretend that it’s 1990, and you’ve just had a lousy dinner in a restaurant. You were not happy and the waiters scolded you...
Grab Passenger Tried to Spook Driver at 3am But Driver Responded Like a Boss
We’ve all heard spooky ghost stories from taxi drivers, so it’s just a matter of time before we hear some from private-hire car drivers.
1st Person to Be Jailed for Throwing ofo Bike from an HDB Block
Lest you’ve forgotten, here’s a refresher: bike-sharing, an initiative towards a car-lite Singapore, only took off early this year.And in the short six months...
NSmen & NSFs to Get Discounts in 160 Hawker Stalls / Shops in July...
About a week ago, it was announced that NSmen and NSFs will be getting free public transport tomorrow (30 June 2017) as long as...
Man Rammed By Speeding Bus, But Stood Up Calmly & Went to a Bar...
This is truly a man of steel. Or maybe he’s Clark Kent anyway.On 24 June 2017, a CCTV along Gun Street, Reading, in England,...