S’pore Survey Shows 57% of Us Receive a Scam Message Every Week & Only...

Scam calls and scam texts, if you own a smart mobile device, you are bound to receive at least one of the two within...

Elderly Queenstown Cat Needs A Home After Kids Allegedly Pour Water On It &...

Humans are a peculiar species. One minute they're donating to charity and adopting stray animals and the next they're decapitating dogs and dismembering relatives. Well, they're...

14YO IT Whiz Earns $17k Per Year From Software He Created

Self-made millionaires are many; self-made geniuses are fewer. Or should I say, self-made genius millionaires? Bill Gates was one. Steve Jobs was another. Enter 14-year-old Muhammad Akmal...

New FairPrice Xtra at Parkway Parade Has Dine-In Area & Cocktail Bar

Residents living near Parkway Parade, rejoice because something new has appeared in your area: a brand new FairPrice Xtra. Now, before you shoot at me...

Schools Will be Distributing TraceTogether Tokens to Students; Gov Producing 5 Million Tokens by...

Phase 2 is soon to be nothing more than a trace of this past as we move together to phase 3. Especially since we've hit a pretty big...

Everything About Tuberculosis & Why There’s a Cluster in Hougang Simplified for You

Thanks to Covid-19, every time a cluster of another disease crops up, no matter how harmless, we start panicking. This is because we want bubble...

Food Delivery Rider Jailed for Injuring Woman with E-Scooter Even When PMD is Banned...

When PMDs were banned on footpaths last year, there was much displeasure amidst the public. As much inconvenience as the ban might have caused however,...

Sam Willows Singer Benjamin Kheng Apologises For Offensive Magazine Photo

Everyone makes mistakes, celebrities included. Sometimes, they get #cancelled and hated on for ages but sometimes, the public is willing to forgive them and move...

46YO Man Allegedly Robbed Woodlands Pawnshop With Knife, Arrested Within 16 Hours

Crime pays. Before you chew me out for sheer insensitivity and whatnot, however, hear me out. Crime does pay. But it's in the short run. In the long run,...

Straits Times Premium Articles Are Free Today (11 Nov) ‘Coz of Production Issue

So, you’re a typical Singaporean who doesn’t believe in paying a single cent to consume online contents, because things that you pay for must...