Man Complained About Irresponsible People Queuing for McDonald’s But He Himself is 1 of...

The Covid-19 pandemic has really taken a toll on our mental health. I'm not talking about being cooped up at home or having our movement...

Violent Fight That Led to a Pond of Blood Occurred in Punggol Flat As...

Authorities around the world see lockdowns as medicine to Covid-19. And just like any medicine, there are often side effects. Some are positive, like beautiful sunsets. Others,...

WHO Now Admits COVID-19 May Never Go Away & Become a Virus in Our...

Looking at the Covid-19 pandemic, you'd find yourself thinking: when will this end? Well, here's what the World Health Organisation (WHO) has to say: It will never...

26 People Caught Gambling Illegally & Therefore Breaching Safe Distancing Rules

The Covid-19 pandemic hasn't just allowed our air to clean up. It also forces chronic gamblers to try and kick their betting habit ever since...

US Pilot Jailed 4 Weeks for Breaching SHN; He Had Gone Out to Buy...

Getting away with breaking the law in Singapore is like watching one episode of Into The Night and going to sleep immediately after: it's not humanly...

Video of Healthcare Workers Dancing Happily with Migrant Workers is 1 Thing We Should...

There are some videos with no backstory whatsoever, and these videos would usually lead to many speculations, angry responses and eventual, virality. This is one...

675 COVID-19 Cases Today (13 May); 2 Are Singaporeans or Singapore PRs

Lest you’re not aware, the number of local transmissions has dropped by quite a bit since the beginning of the Circuit Breaker measures, and...

Recent Beautiful Sunsets in S’pore Could Be Due to Circuit Breaker, Too

Humans may be incredibly frustrated at the moment due to global lockdowns and movement restrictions, but the Earth couldn't be happier. See, ever since humans...

Wuhan Allegedly Plans to Test the Entire Population of 11 Million People After New...

Like it or not, China is now held as the bastion of hope for the entire world during this Covid-19 pandemic. Previously, they were the...

Twitter Now Allows Employees to Work from Home…Forever

While Trump is busy competing with the rest of the world in testing for Covid-19, giant tech companies are competing in a different arena: Who...