Circuit Breaker in Bishan HDB Flat Suddenly Caught Fire Which Led to a Power Outage in 6 Floors

Recently, a circuit breaker belonging to a Housing Development Board (HDB) unit at Bishan caught fire on Saturday (10 December) night.

No, not the COVID-19 circuit breaker lah. That one has already burned in flames into the past.

Unfortunately, it affected the electricity supply to six floors’ worth of residents.

Here’s what happened.

Billowing Smoke Emerged from Circuit Breaker

The circuit breaker, located outside the HDB unit at Block 173 Bishan Street 13, caught on fire at around 10.30 pm on Saturday (10 December).

After the fire started, the area outside the fourth-floor unit soon turned soot black, according to photos taken by residents of the block.

Home Owner’s Response

When reporters from Shin Min Daily News visited the area on Sunday (11 December) morning, the homeowner of the unit recalled how his wife initially found out that there had been a power outage.

After a while, he and his wife realised that there was smoke wafting into the house through the gaps in the doors.

The man, a 42-year-old surnamed Zhang (Hanyu pinyin), added that someone knocked on their door to tell them there was a fire outside their house.

This prompted the couple to realise their circuit breaker had caught fire.

According to his knowledge, units from the third to the eighth floors have since been affected by power outages, but their electricity supplies have gradually returned to normal.

However, Mr Zhang’s home is still experiencing a power outage.

He also shared that the reason for the circuit breaker catching fire is still unknown. Still, he and his family were all using electricity normally at the time and were not overcharging anything.

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Neighbour’s Response

A neighbour living on the fifth floor also said he had gone down to check what had happened after experiencing a power outage and smelling smoke.

The neighbour, surnamed Zhou (Hanyu pinyin), revealed that he saw the circuit breaker after going to the fourth floor and said it produced slight explosion sounds.

However, the police soon arrived and blocked the residents from being in close contact with the circuit breaker. Mr Zhou then returned to his unit and fell asleep before his unit’s electricity supply went back to normal.

After the incident, part of the corridor had been stained black.

The Town Council in the area also sent workers to start maintenance work on Sunday (11 December) morning.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News