Everything You Need To Know About The Tampines HDB Flat Fire in 60 Secs

Ahh, 60 secs articles. We meet again, my old nemesis. Since I love to talk crap, short and concise articles were never my forte.

On 20 Jan, a fire broke out at Block 867A Tampines Street 83 at approximately 5.30 pm, causing 40 residents to be evacuated. Using two water jets, the Singapore Civil Defence Force(SCDF) was able to extinguish the fire.

Image: channelnewsasia.com

Preliminary investigations have revealed that the fire was caused by a PMD which was being charged and— uh, wait.


Image: imgflip.com

They have evolved from knocking down people on sidewalks to swooping on on vehicles like birds of prey. Now they are setting fire to houses?!

When will people realize that PMDs are actually an invasive alien species bent on world domination!? #saynotopmd

…Right, jokes aside, this is why you should always be wary when charging any electronic devices.

In a Facebook post by SCDF, they talked about the cause of the incident and some fire safety tips. Do click on the post below to take a look:

[Fire @ Blk 867A, Tampines St 83]At about 5:30pm today, SCDF responded to a unit fire at block 867A, Tampines St 83….

Posted by Singapore Civil Defence Force on Saturday, 20 January 2018

…There you have it. The fire safety tips by SCDF. I have feeling most of you guys would not click on the Facebook post so I’ve decided to post it here. For goodness’ sake, just take a couple of seconds to read the tips!

Although there were no reported injuries(which is a good thing), this might not be a one-time thing. Humanity’s war against the PMDs is- I mean, carelessness is the direct cause of such incidents.

If you wanna burn your house down by not following the safety tips, by all means, be my guest. Just don’t hurt anyone else in the process because of your stubbornness.

That being said, I’m almost out of time this time around! See y’all next time!

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: Singapore Civil Defence Force