Man Falsely Accused of Being Bentley Driver Received About 200 Calls & Messages

What if you received 200 calls and messages about something you didn’t even do?

That’s what happened to Mr Neo Tiam Ting, who was falsely accused of being the Bentley driver who tried to run down a school security officer.

Dear Doxxers: Mr Neo Is NOT The Bentley Driver

Mr Neo Tiam Ting, the director of car dealership ThinkOne, is setting things straight: he is NOT involved in the incident outside Red Swastika School on 11 January.

Mr Neo drives a Toyota Alphard, not a Bentley. The actual Bentley driver in the viral video has since been arrested for a rash act causing hurt. Mr Neo? Definitely not arrested.

However, there were posts on social media, and WhatsApp messages, that named Mr Neo as the driver. The posts even had pictures and personal details of him.

These posts led to many articles on unverified news sites that alleged him to be the driver. A tirade of angry comments was unleashed on him by angry netizens.

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Mr Neo Takes Action Against These Allegations

A police spokesperson had confirmed that a report has since been lodged regarding these posts.

Mr Neo posted on Facebook to address the allegations as well. Senior Minister of State and MP for Holland Bukit Timah GRC, Sim Ann, reposted Mr Neo’s post on Facebook and said the allegations were completely untrue. He has been a grassroots volunteer with Bukit Timah since 2008.

Mr Neo told The Straits Times that his teenage children were upset that their father had been framed.

He also expressed his concern on how these untrue allegations could affect his businesses negatively, as it feels like “half of Singapore” thinks he’s the driver.

Mr Neo said that if those who accused him were truly mistaken, he hoped that they would step forward and apologise.

However, if they were intentionally accusing him to damage his reputation or business, Mr Neo will not hesitate to sue.

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These Posts Could Be Considered As Doxxing and Harassment

Joshua Tong, a criminal lawyer of Kalco Law, said that the posts containing Mr Neo’s personal information may be considered as doxxing.

As doxxing is the publication of personal information to harass or threaten them, the posts are also harassment by way of threatening, insulting words or behaviour.

Mr Neo could also ask for a protection order, where he can request social media platforms to remove all the posts.

However, Mr Neo felt that removing the posts would not be effective as the damage has already been done. He is now focusing on clarifying his innocence instead of removing the posts.

Not The First Time Doxxers Wrongly Accused Someone

In fact, remember the “sovereign” lady? Doxxers also wrongly identified a tech CEO as that woman back in 2020.

If found guilty of publishing the personal information of a person with the intention to cause harassment, alarm or distress, the posters can be jailed for up to six months and fined $5,000.

Take this as a warning to think twice and do some fact-checking before reposting someone’s personal information!

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Featured Image: YouTube (CNA) & Facebook (Neo Tiam Ting)