Ho Ching Called Out Elon Musk on Facebook for a Twitter Setting & People Are Confused

Does going to KFC to complain about McDonald’s bad spaghetti do anything? 


Well, that was what Ho Ching did.

Ho Ching Called Out Elon Musk on Facebook for a Twitter Setting and People Are Confused

Wife of incumbent Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Ho Ching, has recently taken to Facebook to complain about Twitter’s tracking patterns and it has left netizens scratching their heads.

Addressing Twitter’s new CEO, Elon Musk, Ho Ching made a complaint on Facebook.

She said that data tracking on Twitter has now been set as default, and users are no longer able to disable it. She ended the post with a sarcastic remark, “Please play straight and don’t do this, ok?”

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Netizens were quick to point out that the problem could be rectified on her device’s main settings instead of the settings in the Twitter app itself.

Image: Facebook (Ho Ching)

However, most comments on her post seemed to be in belief of her word. Many commented how Elon Musk was “evil” and they should “ban twitter”. 

The best part about all of this is, Elon doesn’t even use Facebook.

Read also:

Featured Image: Facebook (Ho Ching)