Ian Fang Responded Publicly About Rebecca Lim’s Engagement & Didn’t Deny a Past Relationship

When you are in a relationship with someone, things can only go two ways:

  1. You marry him or her and have a happily ever life with him or her
  2. You eventually break up with him or her and start the cycle all over again

For Rebecca Lim, it looks like she chose option one with her mysterious fiancé.

As for her good friend and alleged ex, Ian Fang, she seemed to have chosen option two with him and he was conflicted with his feelings about her decision.

Or so it seems.

Ian Fang Responded Publicly About Rebecca Lim’s Engagement & Didn’t Deny a Past Relationship

In an interview with Lianhe Zaobao, Fang hopes that Lim’s fiancé will treat her right and try to help her instead of “bullying” her. Fang also stated that Lim is the best girl in the world, implying that Lim’s fiancé should feel lucky.

“Showbiz is not like the other industries so I hope he will bear with it.”

Fang also touched on settling the score with Lim’s fiancé if he does not take good care of Rebecca.

While saying all these well wishes, Fang sounded dejected or one would even call it emo. The same feeling that one would get if they see their ex getting married to someone else.

But you’re here for the next part:

Didn’t Deny a Past Relationship

Fang did not deny that he and Lim had dated during the interview with Lianhe Zaobao. Instead, Fang talked about how he had always tried his best but could not be Singapore’s golden couple, Christopher Lee and Fann Wong.

When asked about when they broke up, Fang replied, “Never mind, help me send my blessings to her.”

Informed Before Breaking the News to Public

Fang also said Lim respected him by informing him of her engagement before announcing it to the public.

Lim stated that she and Fang have always been good friends and Fang was excited about her engagement as well. Fang wished her well and Lim also hoped that he will find happiness in the future.

Emo on Instagram

A few hours before Lim’s announcement on Instagram, Fang suddenly turned dark. He posted an emo song on his story, Guest by Zhang Yuan, and captioned, “So this is how it feels like” underneath it.

In case you have not heard that song before, Guest depicts how a man feels lost after he gets news that his ex-girlfriend is getting married.

Image: Instagram (ian_ianization)

He also uploaded a photo of himself on his Instagram feed touching on how “not every Christopher Lee will have his Fann Wong and not every Fann Wong will stay with Christopher Lee”.

The post has since been removed.

In another post of Lim’s Fang seemed to have admitted his cheating episode while arguing with a netizen.

Image: Instagram (ian_ianization)

The comment has also been removed as well.

Image: Instagram (ian_ianization)

A few hours later, Fang posted another Instagram story. This time, it is a black story filled with words: “Why am I getting scolded because someone else is getting married? Why? What did I do wrong? What is it about me that made you so cranky? Am I doing something? I didn’t say anything at all! What did I do? Why are you scolding me!?”

Like the previous post and comments, this emotional story ended up getting deleted.

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Read Also: Image: Instagram (@ian_ianization & @limrebecca)