Jayley Woo Has Officially Registered Her Marriage While 35 Weeks Pregnant

While birthdays are special enough, they’re probably even more special if there’s another cause for celebration on the same day.

And that’s the case for former Mediacorp actress Jayley Woo as she registered her marriage yesterday (27 December), which was also her (and her twin sister Hayley Woo’s) birthday.

She announced her marriage to her husband, Mr Tan, in an Instagram post yesterday (27 December).


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A post shared by 胡佳琪 Jayley Woo (@jiaqiwoo)

The ceremony was witnessed by a total of 11 people from both her and her husband’s families.

As for how the newlyweds celebrated their marriage registration, Woo, 31, told Shin Min Daily News that both families had lunch and dinner together and even humorously joked that they decided to keep it simple as she is “getting old”.

She also revealed that she and her husband are planning to hold their wedding ceremony on 27 December next year, meaning that the day will be a three-in-one celebration for Woo.

However, Woo, who is currently 35 weeks pregnant, also joked that even though the date of her wedding ceremony will be extremely easy to remember as it is her birthday, she might only get one present as her birthday, Registration of Marriage (ROM) date and wedding will be held on the same day.

Before her latest announcement, she also announced her engagement and pregnancy on her Instagram account earlier this year in October.


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A post shared by 胡佳琪 Jayley Woo (@jiaqiwoo)

In her announcement, she said she was six months pregnant and attached an image of her ultrasound scan. She also wished her now-husband a happy birthday in her post.

A while after that, she revealed that her husband works behind the scenes in show business and that the pair met after Julie Tan, another Singaporean actress, introduced them to each other.

Might Have to do C-Section Due to the Baby Being Breech

As for her pregnancy, she also revealed that her daughter’s due date is at the end of next month (January 2023).

Even though she is keen on a natural birth, she also explained that she might have to undergo a cesarean section (c-section) as her baby is currently breech.

According to her doctor, she will have to undergo a c-section, preferably between the 36th and 37th week of her pregnancy (11 to 20 January 2023), if her baby does not turn and end up in a head-down position.

However, Woo expressed that she is keen to have a baby born in the Year of the Rabbit (after Chinese New Year next year) as compared to a baby born in the Year of the Tiger (before Chinese New Year next year) and hopes that her baby will turn to its optimal position, allowing her to have a natural birth.

She then shared that she has gained 13kg during her pregnancy thus far; she weighs 61kg now and said that her tummy has become very large.

Apart from that, she has also been experiencing other symptoms such as soreness and lethargy and added that she has been sleeping a lot lately.

According to her doctor, her symptoms are because her baby’s head is on the larger side and her legs are longer.

However, she also touched on how she and her husband’s family are incredibly excited about the baby’s arrival, as she will be the first grandchild on both sides of the family.

Ended Up With Gestational Diabetes Despite Having Low Blood Sugar

As for her health, she admitted that she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Since been, she has trying to reduce the amount of sugar she consumes.

Woo also said that her father has diabetes, which could mean that genetic factors could have caused her gestational diabetes.

However, she also has low blood sugar, meaning she must be cautious in balancing her diet.

Apart from that, Woo also contracted COVID-19 for the second time after contracting it once during the Chinese New Year period this year but said that her symptoms were milder this time round and that she was able to recover after around two days.

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Chose Daughter’s Name from a Chinese Social Media Site

When asked about her daughter’s name, Woo mentioned that she and her husband decided to use Xiao Hongshu, a Chinese social media site, to find a Chinese name that both of them liked.

The couple eventually settled on Jin Yan (瑾颜) as her Chinese name and Jan as her English one.

According to Woo, the couple chose her Chinese name as it is similar to her English one. The name is pronounced like “谨言”, the main character’s name in Yanxi Palace, a popular Chinese drama.

As for her English name, she explained that Woo’s name has “J” in it, while her husband’s surname is Tan, meaning that the name “Jan” combines both of their names and will “link” their family of three together.

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Featured Image: Instagram (@jiaqiwoo)