Now There’s a Bag Shaped Like An Instant Noodle Package. I Can’t Even…

Those who’ve had Indomie before would agree: Indomie is love; Indomie is life.

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Image: Jovial da Lopez

In fact, I love it so much that I sleep around with a different Indomie packet every night.

But I’m still not satisfied. Not even close. I want more. I want to care for it; I want to love it. I want to carry it around and see the world together with it.

Yet it just didn’t seem logical. People everywhere called me crazy, and I was beginning to question my own sanity.

Just when all hope seemed lost, the Indomie Gods heard my prayers, and sent the holy Indograil down to Earth.

This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 2
Image: WorldOfBuzz

In the form of a clutch bag.

This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 1
Image: WorldOfBuzz
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Image: Giphy

According to Lobak Merah, this instant-noodle package bag went viral recently after Indonesian singer Nindy Ayunda graced the runway holding it during Jakarta Fashion Week on 6 October 2017.

Well, it does look pretty trendy.

This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ
Image: WorldOfBuzz

Just look at those curves… that Indomie clutch is totally driving me crazy!

On the other hand, people have been so enamored by the bag that they started replicating it. With nothing but traditional Indomie packets and random strings or strap-like items.

Surprisingly, it actually worked pretty well.

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Image: WorldOfBuzz
This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 12
Image: WorldOfBuzz
This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 13
Image: WorldOfBuzz

Sweet! Guess who’s tying some strings around his Indomie packet?


The designer behind it is none other than Mariko Tampi, who has a reputation for creating nature-themed designs. And quirky ones too, apparently.

Check out her other works here!

This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 5
Image: WorldOfBuzz

Cute. Something to get for your most hated teacher, perhaps?

This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 6
Image: WorldOfBuzz

I’m sure my mum will love it.

This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 7
Image: WorldOfBuzz

Who doesn’t like burgers on their bag?

This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 4


Nah, I’ll just stick to the edible one.

Oh wait, they changed the formula.


This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 8
Image: WorldOfBuzz

I never thought I’ll live to see the day Panadol becomes something other than a pain-reliever.

Sniff, they grow up so fast.

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Image: WorldOfBuzz
This Indomie Clutch Bag is Every Instant Noodle Fan's Must-Have Accessory - WORLD OF BUZZ 10
Image: WorldOfBuzz

Can someone just do a Skippy version already?

The future’s bright

A while back, we had Nasi Lemak dresses.

And now, we have Indomie clutch bags.

Well, it seems that one thing’s for sure.

The future will be an interesting one.

Chicken Chop toilet paper, anyone?

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This article was first published on

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