Countless Red Ants Crowd Just On 1 Side of Redhill Overhead Bridge Railing

Don’t hold on to the railing at the overhead bridge between Block 129 Redhill View and Block 25B Jalan Membina… Or you’ll get attacked by hundreds of red ants.

Strangely enough, the ants congregated only on one side of the overhead bridge, and they seemed to multiply in numbers, especially in the mornings.

Sudden Appearance of Red Ant Colony

A 60-year-old retiree, Ms Li, told Shin Min Daily News that she had lived here for more than 20 years, yet this is the first time she has seen such a phenomenon.

This red ant colony has only recently started terrorising the overpass’ railings and is especially active from 7 am to 8 am. Residents shared that there would be more red ants in the morning.

Image: Shin Min Daily News

Imagine being half-asleep at 7 am and seeing this when you’re trying to hold the railing for support. Yikes!

Residents have expressed concern over the red ant colony, especially because many elderly live in the area. There are bus stops on both ends of the overpass, and there aren’t any elevators installed in the overpass.

The elderly would have no choice but to hold onto the railings, which could lead them to be attacked by the red ants. Many residents would now remind the elderly not to touch the railings while crossing the overhead bridge.

Are Red Ants That Dangerous?

For those allergic to ants, getting attacked by a colony of red ants could lead to red and swollen wounds and eyes, along with increased difficulty in breathing. They must seek medical attention immediately if they are bitten.

Thankfully, the consequences are much less severe for those who aren’t allergic to ants. They would have to wash the wounds and apply ointment.

However, we should still treat the bites properly since there’s always a risk of inflammation from bacterial infection.

And if you’re unsure whether or not you’re allergic to ants… Let’s not try our luck, shall we?

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Why Would Red Ants Colonise A Railing?

Pest control experts shared that red ants generally live in trees and seldom leave unless their habitat is destroyed or if they need to look for food.

Just like any society, ants are divided into workers and soldiers. They are very defensive and may attack if they feel endangered, so we should avoid red ants as much as possible.

While local red ants generally aren’t poisonous, the bite wound may still become red and itchy. However, with some soapy water and other alkaline liquids, the acidic venom of the ants can be neutralised, which would relieve the symptoms.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News