SFA Recalls Mao Shan Wang Snowskin Mooncake from My Mum’s Cookies

Remember when nine kueh companies were “wrongfully” suspended by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) for having higher-than-permissible levels of food additives?

Well, another sweet treat has found itself under scrutiny by the SFA for an alleged food safety violation.

On Monday (29 August), the SFA announced that it had called for the importer of My Mum’s Cookies Premium Mao Shan Wang Snowskin Vegan Mooncakes, which are manufactured in Malaysia.

They had detected levels of E.Coli bacteria in one of the product batches, and under the restrictions, no entity is allowed to import, manufacture or sell any ready-to-eat food products that do not comply with microbiological standards, said the SFA.

Given that the bacteria can produce symptoms like severe stomach cramps, diarrhoea, and vomiting when consumed in unsafe quantities, the SFA recalled the product as a precautionary measure.

Are They Really Unsafe For Consumption?

Well, it seems like the nine kueh manufacturers set the industry standard for what to do when the SFA lodges a claim against you, because My Mom’s Cookies also decided to send their mooncakes for separate tests done by third party laboratories.

They released a statement on their Instagram page, addressing the status of the tested batches.

According to the company, all their mooncake products undergo strict testing from approved labs before shipment as part of their Quality Control programme, including the Mao Shan Wang Durian mooncake in question.

The batch that was instructed to be recalled by the SFA has passed the lab tests prior to shipment.

The SFA had deemed the batch as unsafe after a routine test was conducted, so My Mom’s Cookies proceeded to send it for a second round of testing and the results came back as negative.

It seems like a trend could be going on here, eh?

The SFA has since conducted thorough lab tests on four other batches of the durian mooncakes, and declared them as fit for consumption.

In the meantime, My Mom’s Cookies has stated they will be following SFA’s directive to recall the affected batch, and will continue to cooperate with the government agency to clear their name like the re—I mean, ensure that their mooncakes are safe for consumption.

Image: Instagram (@mymomscookiessg)

Customers Advised to Not Consume The Affected Mooncakes

While the company is seeking SFA’s approval to conduct a third test on the affected batch, according to a spokesperson, SFA has advised consumers who have purchased the mooncakes in the implicated batch not to eat them.

“Those who have done so and have concerns about their health should seek medical advice,” said SFA.

Currently, both the agency and My Mum’s Cookies have said that they have not received any feedback about the mooncakes from customers. The agency, however, added that it was the first time any products from the company was recalled

Affected customers can reach out to the company via their website for an assistance on refunds or recall.

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Featured Image: SFA