Bukit Batok Again: Taxi Reversed Into HDB Wall & Volvo-ed the Wall

Bukit Batok has been making the news lately—not for the right reasons.

At first it was pipes bursting, followed by an e-bike catching fire and then a robbery with a 25-cm long knife and not forgetting the silver Nissan which was wrecked in an explosion.

Image: kevinhartwhatnow.com

A cab crashing into a wall was the latest in a series of unfortunate events that occurred in Bukit Batok.

Image: pumpkincupcakeandpeach.tumblr.com

What happened

According to The Straits Times, On 25 October night, a taxi driver accidentally crashed his cab into a low wall at an HDB.

Just take a look at the damage.


I can’t believe a car could cause this much damage.

It looks like the work of a Demogorgon.

Image: bustle.com

FYI: Stranger Things 2 is out today on Netflix!

Anyways back to the story.

How did it happen

Shin Min Daily News reported that the driver was reversing at an open-air carpark at Block 169, Bukit Batok West Avenue 8.

For those who are curious, the cab was a Silvercab Hyundai but looking at the damage, people would have thought it was a Volvo.

Volvos are known to be sturdy and they even promised that by 2020, they will have deathproof cars (wah).

In fact, tell others you drive a tank and most likely, they’ll know that you drive a Volvo.

Luckily the driver was not hurt and neither did he hurt anyone—the only victims were the poor wall and the cab as its rear was badly damaged.


The police told The Straits Times that they were alerted to an accident involving a cab at about 7.44 P.M.

Police investigations are still on-going.

I wonder how fast he was reversing to cause such an impact.

I don’t know about you, but Bukit Batok is getting creepier and creepier.

It doesn’t help that our office is located here as well.

Whatever bad luck that has been surrounding Bukit Batok, please go back to Yishun.

Sorry, Yishunites! Please take one for the team.

Image: giphy.com

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS