SG Guy Creates Fake GF FB Profile Using Stolen Photos, Created ‘Steamy’ Online Relationship...

You don’t need to find a girlfriend, if you are the girlfriend. How does one get bored enough to do something this ridiculous? Did he…...

Woman Texted Wrong Person and Accused ‘BF’ Who Got Her Pregnant, Became the New...

Not sure what sort of person would inform another person they were cheating with their boyfriend, but that’s what this woman did (Hah, try...

10 Crazy but Legit Ways to Save Water Coz We Can Buy SO Many...

The recent budget was quite an unexpected blow for many of us, with the sudden 30% increase in water prices. 30%! That’s an increase...

Lady Gave Up Looking for Mr Right & Married Herself Instead

In today's time and age, it can be pretty hard to find the right one for you to settle down for life. What with...

Straits Times FB Just Burnt a Grammar Nazi with the Perfect Response

The Straits Times strikes again!In a recent post on Facebook on the article about the Korean assassination of Kim Jong Nam, a commenter pointed...

This Footage is Funny Because the Driver Says, ‘Don’t Tell Roti Prata’

On one hand, Singapore wants to be known as a gracious country, but on the other hand, we are already well known for being...

Straits Times Weather Update on Twitter Just Won the Internet

In the blistering heat and sporadic heavy storms these few months, weather updates are super important for us to plan ahead. Which naturally means...

This Chart Perfectly Sums Up How You Should Speak to Your GF / Wife

Disclaimer: This article is satire, building upon the original chart. Please try not to be offended. Here’s a PSA (Public Service Announcement) for you guys...

8 Damn Regrets Every S’porean Have After CNY Every Damn Year

Chinese New Year is over, or at least the Chinese New Year public holiday is over and you're back to the daily grind. As with...

YouTube Ghost Prank Video Shows S’poreans DGAF About Ghosts

Haunted houses bring to mind an exciting night, with bloodcurdling screams from ghastly figures in wisps of silks. Everyone knows you have to be scared...