10 NDP Songs That Are Still Classics Today, Unlike Recent Ones That Became Classified

In recent years, it seemed like the NDP songs haven't been so well-received, compared to those retro ones that kids are still singing in...

Is Yakult Good For You? Yakult Explains Why They Refuse to Increase the Size...

"Is Yakult good for you?" One of the evergreen beverages of our childhood, Yakult used to be one of the only “sweet drinks” that parents...

The Function of the ‘L’ in a Car Gearbox & Why S’poreans Won’t Need...

Drivers, some of you have been driving for years while others, for months. There's a certain gear on our gearbox that we Singaporeans don't...

10 Things Students in the 90s Did Between Lessons When There Were No Smartphones

Secondary school days will probably always be our fondest memories; even after graduating for three years, I’ll always remember the things I did during...

The Correct Way to Use Water Heaters So As to Save Electricity

Honestly, I've never thought about how water heaters can affect the bills at home. They seem like an essential to me and I've never once...

10 Ways to turn an HDB flat into a Condo Without Having to Sell...

We all want our homes to look nice. And there's no lie, condos just have that aesthetic we all like. Which is probably why they...

According to a Study, Eating Fried Food, Especially French Fries, Will Shorten Your Lifespan

I find this a personal attack on who I am as a person. Because I'm a person who loves fried food. So you can imagine...

Drinking Collagen Supplements Does Not Make a Person Look Younger

To some of us, collagen supplements are almost like a Godsend: they promise to turn back the time for you, and make you look...

10 Facts About Water in S’pore ‘Coz Everyone’s Talking About It

As a wise man/woman once said, "Water is life". #deep. In Singapore, the importance of H20 is multiplied by a million. And if you multiply that by...

10 Facts About GSS, The National Event That Might Just Disappear In A Few...

GSS is one of those events in Singapore that we all have looked forward to at one point or another in our lives. That's when...