8 Facts About Introverts & They Are Based on Science & Studies

A lot of people chock all the stuff about extroversion and introversion up to a bunch of pseudo-science. I think that's not very fair because...

IQ Test, Whether Paid or Not, Might Not Be Accurate After All

Are you the type that enjoys taking all those quizzes online that helps you “determine” your IQ level? Well, this article might be an eye...

10 Facts About the S’pore Dollars That Many Didn’t Know Of

Ah...money. The topic we all have a love-hate relationship with. There are always too many things to buy and too little cash on hand. Or wallet. Or bank. Normally...

10 Lesser-Known Facts About Singapore Pools (Includes Lucky Outlets & Lucky Numbers)

Every Singaporean has heard about 4D or TOTO, but how much do you actually know about the establishment (lest you're not aware, it's Singapore...

5 Facts About the First Game Boy, The Grandparent of Smartphone Gaming

When it comes to portable handheld gaming, no other portable handheld gaming device can top the Nintendo’s Game boy in terms of popularity and...

10 Facts About the S’pore Coins Before They Become Obsolete When We Go Cashless

When was the last time you fed your piggy banks with some jiggly coins? Well, this could be the time to open up your savings...

9 Ways to Treat Dry Eyes at Home Without Rubbing Them

Do you find your eyes drying frequently, be it from staring at the computer screen too long or prolonged wearing of contact lens? And what...

Survey Reveals Millennials Less Self-Entitled Than Expected, More Concerned About Money

To older Singaporeans, Millennials have a bad reputation. They're self-entitled. Always looking out for themselves. They're strawberries, weak and unreliable. They're less hungry than the previous generations...

‘Meow Meow Temple’ In Kyoto Has Cat Monks That Will Help You Find Inner...

Cats. Some hate them, and others pretend to understand them. Cats and humans have lived together for thousands of years, but we still don't know...

The Reason Why Durians Have Such a Strong Smell & Why S’poreans Still Love...

Whether you’re a Singaporean man, woman or cat, you’d most probably love this: durians. It was only while working in Goody Feed that I realized...