The Reason For Brushes On The Side Of Escalators Revealed & It’s Not to...
Random escalator fact: In some parts of the world, countries are developing so fast that some people have seen phones but never seen an...
Drinking Tea Regularly Makes Your Brain More Efficient, NUS Study Finds
A recent study by the National University of Singapore (NUS) found that those who consumed tea at least 4 times a week for about...
You Can Now Buy Kit Kat, Pocky & Samyang Ramen Earrings & Hair Clips...
You might have seen a couple of people with soju earrings in school. You can't blame them for buying such adorable earrings.
Now, old school...
5 Ways to Fight Sleep Inertia, The Tired & Groggy Moments When Your Alarm...
What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
On good days, you might be able to get out of bed and take a...
Different Ways You Can Use Tiger Balm Ointment That Makes It A Miracle Medicine
There's a Tiger product for every stage of life you're at.
When you're a kid, you eat Tiger biscuits.
When you're a teen, you drink Tiger...
We Tried Visiting A Pawnshop To Sell A Broken Rolex Watch
When my mum accidentally cracked the face of her beloved Rolex watch, she was heartbroken.
I tried to convince her to sell it but she...
The Number of Times A Person Has To Poop A Day Based On Statistics
In a society today, everything is about the image.
Everybody loves their face.
Everything has to be pretty and glam; things must always appear flawless on...
You Can Buy A Jacket With Built-In Cooling Fan From Japan For $260
When I was younger, on hot days, my brother and I used to stand under the fan after we got home. And sometimes, when...
Man Loses 13kg In 5 Months By Eating Healthy & Working Out For Just...
Losing weight and achieving your ideal body is definitely not an easy task.
I've never been able to commit to a workout routine or a...
A Study Shows That Singing KTV at Least Once a Week Can Actually Help...
When was the last time you sang? I don't mean humming brokenly in the shower; I was a graduate of Off-Key Toilet Belting.
I mean...