Why International Swifties Praise Singapore for Exceptional Crowd Control

The Swifties made a swift departure. It’s no exaggeration to say that Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour concert was one of the biggest concert performances ever...

M’sian Retiree Loses Life Savings By a Scammer Who Claimed That There Were ‘Arrest...

Let me give you an example of an SMS I once received. "Hi, how are you? Just to check if you're still interested to get...

305 COVID-19 Cases Today (18 May): Low Figure is Due to Fewer Tests Being...

We’re now close to 2/3 into the month, and we’re now also close to the 30K mark. Because today, while there are only 305 cases...

Shake Shake in a Tub Introduces Fried Potato Balls with a Nutella Melted Core

These days, who still eats plain finger-food snacks, especially when you can choose to shake it up with Shake Shake in a Tub? For the...

Dee Kosh Released from Jail & is Making a Comeback as a Content Creator

Last August, Dee Kosh was sentenced to 32 weeks’ jailtime, or about eight months’ jailtime, for sexual offences involving teenage boys, and for making...

Everything About the Mass Shooting in a Thailand Childcare Centre That is Known So...

Just today (6 October), a mass shooting occurred in Nong Bua Lam Phu, a province in the northeastern part of Thailand. The shooter, a 34-year-old...

S’pore Negative Blood Stocks Low; Red Cross Urges Donors to Come Forward

Do you know what a Rh(D) negative blood type is? I bet you don’t, but here’s a simple explanation: as long as your blood...

Over 500 People Offered to Return $500 TRF; Some Claimed They ‘No Longer Need...

Singaporeans are kind. I’d quote a few fake examples. Tan Ah Hock had gone to claim the $500 Temporary Relief Fund because he thought he had...

Smoker Allegedly Fined $200 for Entering S’pore With 1 Pack of Undeclared Cigarettes

Were you planning to cross the causeway for a JB day trip? Don't say Goody Feed buey brother—remember to check that you aren't carrying any dutiable...

Young Man Subdues & Catches Python With Bamboo Pole At Jurong West

In all the years of advancements and technological marvels we have achieved as a species, sometimes the simplest and most effective tool is just...