Study Shows S’poreans Most Embarassed About Drunken Posts & Offensive Comments On Social Media

Be it celebrities or everyday folk, we all have had that moment when we posted something less than desirable online, be it accidentally or...

M’sian Man Loses 75kg In 6 Months With Daily 20 Mins Workout; Reveals His...

I remember when I used to be skinnier. Those halcyon days where I could just eat seemingly infinite amounts of food and not grow fat...

Indonesian Forest Fires Burns 10m Pythons To Death; Orangutans Get Respiratory Disease

I'm not sure I even have a haze joke to make anymore. I mean, seriously. The haze here in Singapore and Malaysia is bad, but then...

Survey Finds Long Hour & Job Stress As Top Obstacles For Fertility in S’pore

It's not like I'm anywhere of age to be related to this fertility thing, considering the fact that I'm not married. But it's not hard...

Passenger Refused To Leave Emergency Row Seat & Had To Be Escorted Off Plane...

There are a lot of things that could go wrong on a plane. I'm sure all of us are aware of that, which is...

Is It A Must To Wear N95 Mask When PSI Is At Unhealthy Range?...

The haze has attacked our nation once again and the only way that we can defend ourselves is N95 mask. Sounds pathetic, but true. N95...

NEA Explains Why Other Websites Offering Air Quality Readings Are Different

With the haze officially back and a part of our daily lives, I'm sure that many of us would want to keep ourselves updated...

Maid Tried To Poison Baby By Detergent With Milk; Was Jealous Of Other Maid’s...

When I was young, my mum used to tell me this: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Beware, my bimbotic son." And naturally, I listened...

Haze Conditions Expected To Worsen; Winds Blowing From South Sumatra

It's just another day in S'pore. I woke up, put on my specs, and went out; tugging my bag of breakfast and coffee to maximise...

There’s A Petition To Make The Singapore Flyer Spin Faster To Blow The Haze...

Lest you're unaware, the haze is bad. Pretty darn bad. "That's just what the government want us to think," you argue. "It's actually misunderstood! The haze...