Local Study Proposes Increase To CPF Contribution Rates By Older S’porean Workers

CPF is a word that Singaporeans are sensitive to. It has gotten people sued. People complaining. Suffice to say, it's not something that Singaporeans are really happy...

Another Property Agent Charged for Renting Out Condos for AirBnB Stays

As if property agents need any more of a bad reputation in terms of trustworthiness, am I right? Seriously, the only occupation with a worse...

Pretty Thai Teacher Greets Every Student with a Choice of Hug, Hi-5 or Fist...

I don't know about you, but all my teachers that I can remember from my childhood were middle-aged women. No offence to them at all,...

Boy Leaned on Sink & It Suddenly Broke, Causing Serious Injury

Have a habit of leaning on your toilet sink when checking yourself out in the mirror? Well, you might want to avoid doing that any more. According to...

Photographer So Engrossed with Taking Pictures of Karen Mok, He Fell into the Sea

Closing in on 50 years old, Karen Mok (莫文蔚) hasn't lost any of her charm. If you're a 90s kid or older, she might have...

Fugitive Used NRIC of Another Man for 13 Years & Finally Bumped Into Him

It's 26 June 2019, Wednesday, and you know what that means; It's time for Whoa You On Weed Bro? Wednesday! "Omg, what kind of crazy, ludicrous...

Missing Popular YouTuber, Who Exhibited Suicidal Thoughts, Has Died

Behind the glitz and glamour, the entertainment industry comes with unending stress. Right off the bat, dealing with the popularity and receiving hate comments are...

S’pore Fourth Telco To Give Users Unlimited Free Roaming Data In M’sia & Indonesia

Let me see... about 6 more months until my Singtel contract is up. It's time for my bi-annual decision every time my 2-year contract finishes: Do...

S’pore Grab Driver Left M’sian Family Without Passports & Valuables

There's truly no better time to be alive than today. We've got 99 problems and though ride-hailing companies can't solve all, they do provide some...

Scammers Now SMSing People, Threatening to Burn Down Their Premises for Ransom

It’s true: SMSes are used for threats. When I look at my SMS inbox, all I see are threats. One’s from someone called Mindef who told...