Okay, There’s a Wiki Page Listing Down All the Floods in S’pore Since 2010

Singapore is known for three things—good food, MRT disruptions and the pesky haze. Wait, I think its safe to say that we can add flash...

McD on Fire Again as People Complained That Their New Burger Didn’t Have Much...

May I please have a show of hands? Anyone here actually enjoyed the BBQ Pulled Chicken Burger? No, I'm serious. Some of my friends actually...

Neighbour Dry Laundry at Staircase Landing & Kena Stomped Immediately

Singapore has been raining a lot these days; there were even flash floods in certain areas of Singapore yesterday. So you can imagine the laundry...

S’porean Man Worked For 15 Years W/O CPF, Gets Compensated $130,000

Every now and then we hear of people getting treated unfairly at work. Sometimes they are abused, and by the time we know about the...

NP Lecturer Allegedly Locked Students Out ‘Coz They’re Late So Students Wefie & Online...

Now, being late isn't a good thing (which is kinda ironic for me to state, seeing how I commit the offence not only on an occasional...

H&M Under Fire Due to Alleged Racist Ad; Celebrities Triggered

Everybody knows how the celebrity effect works. You get the attention that you wanted and all your small actions become magnified. You did good? Oh, good...

Husband Forced Wife to go for In Vitro Fertilisation Coz He Wants a Son

Whenever a couple goes through a divorce, we always hear people telling them to not hurt the child cos they're innocent. In another extremely complicated...

Couple Accused Of Making Maid Pour Hot Water On Herself & Forced Her To...

Here we have another case of alleged maid abuse. Seriously though, what's wrong with people these days? Is it really that difficult for us to...

PUB Promised Better Drainage System to Prevent Yesterday’s Flood, But Only by 2019

The situation will be improved, they said. The drains will be able to discharge more water, they said. The works will be completed by 2019, they...

7 Facts About The New Active Mobility Act That’ll Come Into Effect Early This...

Every time I see any news about PMDs, shared bikes and whatnot, I get a headache. I ask myself, “How did we get to this...