Man So Fed Up With Waiting On The Plane He Opened The Emergency Exit...

Just how impatient can you be? Back when I was still serving NS, there was this fella from my unit known for being impatient. You...

This Family Spent 6 Months Working Out & Their Before/After Pics Went Viral

Here comes another article my editor is deliberately making me write(sigh). Just for the record, I'm approximately 25KG overweight at the moment. Yeah, I'm a...

I Not Stupid Actor Getting Married. Anyone Feeling Old Yet?

Who still remembers 《小孩不笨》? I remember one of the famous phrases that goes... "It's all for your own good." Memories, memories. Can you believe that this show first...

Restaurants ‘Test System’ by Selling Alcohol in Teapot & Plastic Cups after Midnight

With the ever increasing competition among cafes, eateries and restaurants, one has no choice but to sell alcohol the illegal way. According to a lady boss...

Nurse Found Wallet, Took All the Money & Mailed Wallet Back to Owner…& Was...

I'm not sure about you guys, but personally, I've always thought that honesty is the best policy. That being said, half-honest people really blurs the...

Arcade Staff Allegedly Took Back Crane Machine Prize & Didn’t Take Well to Threats

You've eyed that certain prize in a crane machine for ages. In fact, you've exhausted your entire supply of piggy banks, burnt bridges and even...

Life-sized K-Pop Stars Pillows Triggered Netizens; FYI, We Also Have 2 But People DGAF...

Lest you're unaware, K-Pop has been all the rage lately, with an idol suicide, broadcast hiccup and sheer good looks dominating new media headlines. And...

Man Made Noise After SingPost Lost his iPhone; SingPost then Refunded ‘Out of Goodwill’

Yes, the headline isn’t clickbait; Singpost really did cover the cost of the parcel out of their “goodwill”. Well, I used the quotation marks coz’...

Man Stood Outside Mall & Invited Others to Slap Him to Seek His GF’s...

Mutual respect and trust. Those, I believe, are the fundamentals of a relationship. So, when I saw this article about a man seeking his girlfriend's...

According to a Study, These Are the Best Days to Book the Cheapest Flights...

The new year means a new you with a slew of new things such as opportunities, goals and leaves! You might have just been back...