There’s Going to be an Ah Boys to Men X The Walking Dead Local...

I'm fairly certain a good number of you are familiar with the "Ah Boys to Men" franchise. In case you've been out of touch...

200K Posioned Syringes Sold in China to Kill Dogs for Their Meat

Everyone is familiar with how a minority of the Chinese hunts for dogs ruthlessly for their meat. Every year, campaigns are raised to stop the...

There’s a Company That Can Allegedly Win Back Your Ex…& Someone Just Wanted a...

Nowadays, there are all sorts of companies popping up all over the place. For example, Potato Parcel. The website writes custom messages on potatoes and delivers them...

This Mercs Broke 4 Laws in 30 Secs Coz His Time is More Precious...

Another day, another traffic news but this time it doesn’t involve e-scooters on roads or kids trying to stick their heads out of the...

46-year-old Man Sian 14-year-old Girl & Her Father Posed As the Girl to Catch...

How do you know if your father is awesome? When he buys you lots of clothes? Maybe. Or when he drives you to school every...

Worker Cut Fish on Floor in a Steamboat Stall and Went Viral for all...

As a fellow Bukit Panjang kia, I don't feel proud writing about this. "But hey, since you're from Bukit Panjang, you should write everything related...

Internet Getting Slower? Your Com Might be Hijacked to Mine Bitcoins…For Others

Cryptocurrencies are a blessing. Well, to those who understand how they work and is willing to take the risk, that is. With the recent hike in...

6-year-old Earned Over $14m a Year Playing with Toys on YouTube

What were you doing as a 6-year-old? Eating sand? Rolling off a slide? Or being forced to play house with your sisters? How about making SGD$14 million...

There Are Apparently Speed Guns to Track E-scooters’ Speed. Powder Lah

More Singaporeans have conformed to the notion of travelling via E-scooters. No thanks to the multiple train delays, I guess. Yet, like everything else, it...

This FB Page Gets Uber / Grab Passengers to Sing & That’s What The...

Private-hire drivers are getting more and more innovative nowadays. One, for example, offered beer and cigarettes in his car. A dream come true for some,...