Maserati Driver Who Dragged TP is Allegedly Also a Loan Shark

How bad can a person be? (No, not that song from Lorax) I'm referring to the incident involving the Maserati driver. Yeah, I know there are...

Couple Who Threw oBikes into Canal Voluntarily Surrendered to Police

Remember this article here? The one where a couple was caught giving oBikes as offerings for their Long Kang god? Yeah, those bloody idiots. As it...

Sembawang Hot Spring Gonna Upgrade to a Super Large Park & You Can Contribute...

Did you know Singapore has its very own hot spring? Neither did I. And no it is not like the onsen that is ubiquitous in Kyoto. Ours...

Man Tried to Feed Caged Tiger with Money So Tiger Bit off 2 of...

Never ever go to the zoo when you're drunk. It might just get your fingers bitten off. A Chinese elderly man learnt this the hard way, after...

Employer Made Employee a Scapegoat for Various Traffic Offences Until Employee Buay Tahan

What's even worse than a perverted boss who keeps shooting you a wiry grin? A boss that makes you a scapegoat. And this driver was apparently...

P2 Science Question Asks Students to Draw a Kid Based on Parents’ Looks

Over the years, exam questions only seemed to get harder and harder. In fact, it's got to a point where I highly doubt my theoretical...

300 Million Cockroaches in China Are Doing Their Part to Save Our Children. Serious.

Cockroaches aren't exactly the most lovable creatures in the world. In fact, you would be hard-pressed not to bat one to death once you see it....

There’s Allegedly a McDonald’s Membership Card That You’ll Love to Have But Cannot Have

I've a dream: that one day I will be able to walk into McDonald's and get whatever I want for absolutely free. In case you're going to...

Pet Dog Dies After Eating ‘Poisoned’ Bread Meant to Kill Pigeons

In case you're wondering, I'm one of those people who can't bear to see animals suffer. Despite the occasional sarcastic and judgmental undertones in my...

Grab Driver Receives Many 5-Star Ratings & 1 of them Is Coz He’s ‘Too...

Grab drivers sure have it tough. Aside from having to deal with problematic passengers, they also have to make sure that their ratings always stay...