Yesterday, an Entire Bus Stop in AMK was Flooded. 2018 is Going to be...

My secondary school teacher always says: "You must do the right things, at the right time, at the right place, to the right person." I believe...

Yesterday, Rubbish Bins & Small Boats Flew Due to Strong Winds at ECP

2018's been, for lack of a better word, a pretty turbulent one for Singapore so far. If you recall, the nation experienced its first 'winter' season in ages,...

A New Study Shows S’pore as the Second Least Exciting City in the World....

I wasn't even surprised when my friend showed me this report last night. Singapore is a boring city? Well, what's new, right? To be fair,...

2 Men Fought in Bus But A Girl Continued to Watch Drama Series on...

It was just a regular Sunday on January 21. 10 stations on the East-West Line was down, but passengers on board a particular SBS Transit...

Subway Might be Going Halal, But It’s Not 100% Confirmed Yet. Here’s What You...

Subway, known for their healthy 6-inch subs and insanely addictive melt-in-your-mouth cookies, might be going halal soon! It might be good news for the Muslims...

Tonight (31 Jan), the Moon Will Be Super Big & Super Red. Here Are...

Calling all astrophiles, today is a special day where you will witness a super blue blood moon. For those who are bamboozled (like me), let...

Woman Blocked Taxi & Then (Disgustingly) Passively Aggressively Online Shame Taxi Driver

It's in the Singaporean blood: We all like to complain. Weather too cold? We complain. Bus too slow? We complain. But do you know what's the worst...

Yesterday’s Rain Caused Hailstorm in Several Areas. Here’s What You Should Know.

So we all know that Mother Nature unleashed her force yesterday, with an unexpected storm but there has also been news buzzing around about...

Man Pretended to be AETOS Officer & Demanded Money from Men Who Littered

As a concerned and responsible citizen, I always shake my head at those who litter like nobody's business. Especially when the rubbish bin is like......

Footage of Our Unsung Heroes SPF Pinning Down a Man with Chopper Shows Our...

Having grown up on superhero comics, I've always hoped to see a real life superhero in action. Like, that would be uber cool, you know? But...