S’pore Actually Ranked As 1 Of The Happiest Places On Earth By NatGeo

National Geographic magazine published an article recently on a book called—The Blue Zones of Happiness by a New York Times best-selling author, Dan Buettner. The...

Downtown Line 3 Official Opening Day Also Suffered Delays. The Irony is Strong, Man

There’s a saying by a wise guy in Goody Feed: when one gives you something for free, don’t ask for more. Seems like the lady...

Off-Peak Free MRT Rides Might Be A Permanent Thing In S’pore Soon

Good news should always be shared like free candy and ice cream. In this case, the news is simply fantastic. Right now, there’s a trial...

S’pore Man Who Dragged Toy Poodle Down 20 Floors Of HDB Sentenced To 20...

Whenever I read about crimes, I tend to feel indifferent to it—even murders. What really ticks me off is when I come across low-life humans...

Remember Wong Li Lin? Every 90s Boy’s Dream Girl Is Now a Public Servant

Remember Wong Li Lin? If you don't, here's a friendly reminder of what she looks like. Wong is a former Singaporean actress and host, and she...

Guys, People Born in Year 2000 Are Going for NS Now. Still Feeling Young?

Remember those kids laughing and shouting, "Baldy, baldy!" when you shaved your head in preparation for enlistment? Well, you'll be happy to know that it's...

Everything You Need To Know About The Wild Boar Which Attacked Man At Hillview...

Singapore is a garden city, replete with flora and fauna. Wild animal sightings are more than common, from crocodiles to otters and not forgetting the...

uberPET: The Uber for With Your Dog is in Singapore Now

Pet owners would know the struggle of bringing their pets out, especially if they don’t own a car. So what will you do if your...

Everything You Need To Know About The Huge MRT Fight And The Heroic NSF

Public transport in Singapore can be very ruthless, especially during peak hours. It is an "every man for himself" situation, from squeezing into trains to...

Kia Driver Hit Another Car During Parking & Drove Off Instantly…Not Knowing It’s Caught...

I don't drive because I'm born to be driven around. Heh. But I can judge. Looking at the 52-second video, I can come up with...