Google Stadia, The Netflix for Games, Allegedly Cost USD$9.99 Per Month With Games Like...

Are you a PC gamer? If you are, chances are that you have a Steam or Origin account. The gaming industry has pretty much moved on...

People Are Shattering Their iPhone X to ‘Test’ Its Screen. And Shattered They Did

The iPhone X was released recently, and suffice it to say that it went viral. Alright, that's an understatement; people went nuts over it. Literally. But it might...

Here’s Why You See ‘500 Internal Server Error’ on Your Fav Websites This Afternoon...

Were you desperately trying to reload Goody Feed, Google, and Discord this afternoon, only for it to show "500 Internal Server Error"? This is because...

6 Cheap Earpieces You Can Buy Online That’s as Good as Apple’s

No matter whether you're an Apple fan or not, one thing you got to admit is their earpiece are one of the greatest ones...

10 Facts About Razer Phone, The Not-so-S’pore Phone That Isn’t Coming to S’pore Yet

We’ve all heard the buzz on how there’s going to be a gaming smartphone in town pretty soon, and well, it is from Singapore...

Your Smartphone Could be Hacked When Bluetooth is On. Here’s What You Should Know

Hackers are everywhere! That's true and they got very creative in their ways to hack or steal from you. Like, did you know that when...

10 shocking facts about Line that might convince you to use it soon

With the influx of social media and messaging apps available on our smartphones, users are spoilt for choice when deciding which ones would be...

With Google Maps, you can now know whether there’s a jam in the future

Okay, the headline might be a little misleading, but there’re some truth to it. Just imagine this: you intend to go to JB tomorrow (23...

The Team You Choose in Pokémon GO Determines Your Character

Pokemon GO isn't just about capturing Pokemon. It's also about choosing a faction and going around to increase prestige for said faction. If you've been...

Google Phone is Finally Coming to S’pore. Here Are 10 Facts You Should Know

Smartphone users, it’s time to pop the bottle and rejoice, coz a new player is coming to town. Google has recently made a joint...