This Wireless Mouse Doesn’t Require a Battery at All

Are you annoyed by how heavy your mouse is during gaming? Maybe you feel like your personal Overwatch competitive ranking might just be a smidge...

Latest Game Changer: Buying Hell Money…Online

Hi peeps, so the recent craze now is not trending bed bugs but the seventh-month ghost festival. If you haven't already known, it has started...

Formatting a Laptop Before Selling It Would Still Expose Your Personal Data to the...

Do you happen to have an old laptop lying around that you’re thinking of selling? You should probably hear what I have to tell...

You need to clean your smartphone screen once a week. Heres why and how.

Your smartphone is disgusting. Yes, we don't even know you and we are saying this. Because we know that you bring it everywhere with...

Bye, FaceTime: Google is Launching a Video Call & It’s Awesome

WhatsApp, you’re a tad too late: Google has just introduced a video call service, and it looks awesome. Called Google Duo, it promises to be...

5 Telegram Shortcuts You Probably Didn’t Know About

Think you know all about trendy messaging app Telegram and all that it entails? Well, it might be time to reconsider that notion. See, like many communication platforms before it,...

Facebook Can Predict Even Your Love Life with Your Account. Seriously.

Facebook's many things: convenient, entertaining, savvy, advanced, sassy, etc, etc. If I had to write out every quality on a piece of paper you had...

Apple Rumoured to Compromise Its Production of iPhone X to Meet Demand But Apple...

You’ve probably heard about how China smartphones have got a decent share in the sales of phones over here. I mean, it’s really a no...

10 Facts About the WhatsApp New Privacy Policy That’s Causing People to Abandon the...

In case you didn't know, WhatsApp is going to experience a massive change in less than a month's time. By 8 Feb 2021, WhatsApp users...

The Old 3310 Is Coming To Singapore With 3G On October

We are living in a time where the old becomes new. Be it an iconic fashion motif from the past that gets a modern update...