6 free things you must take from hotel because you very the S’porean mah

Yes, we Singaporeans are known to be a kiasu group of people, and wherever we go, we're always on the lookout for freebies we can take...

Here Are 6 Things You Can Do At Newcastle Upon Tyne, an Exotic University...

London: where the Tower Bridge and Big Ben is a stone throw away from each other and the cost of musical tickets to watch...

8 things you shouldn’t put inside your check-in luggage or you’ll regret at the...

Being the travel bugs that we Singaporeans are, there are several things that we all know we shouldn’t put in our hand carry luggage...

10 Beautiful Places in Asia that You Need To See Before You Die

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. You've probably heard this saying. Or, The brevity of life illustrates itself in whether you can get...

5 types of travel companions we definitely kana in our lifetime

In our lifetime, we go on trips, short gateways and vacations that take us away from the hectic modern life we are in now....

Qantas Australia Now Offering 12-Hour Sightseeing Flight To Antarctica Where You Can See Everything...

It's Covid-19, which is another way of asking businesses to turn to creative means to survive. Live-streaming concert shows and asking for funding is level...

Tokyo has the Coolest Street Cleaners Ever: They’re Dressed Up as Samurais and Picks...

These samurais might be prowling the streets without a lord to serve but they're no ronin.Instead of swords, they walk around with fire tongs and...

10 types of travelling you should do before you die because life is too...

Travelling overseas is a means to escape from the hectic lifestyle that you may have when working or studying in Singapore. You may use a...

Japan Has Transparent Toilets & The Idea is Actually Pretty Useful

You've heard of spanking new toilets— Rundown toilets. Butt-spraying toilets. Utterly desolate toilets. But transparent public toilets? That's probably a first, considering how ludicrous the very notion even...

10 weirdest street arts in the world you probably didn’t know exist

It's not uncommon to see artists performing or selling their art on the street. From painting caricatures to instrument-playing, you might think that you...