Yishun Neighbours Got So Annoyed With Noises, They Injured Each Other

Why is it always Yishun?

Neighbours on the 13th and 14th floor of Block 162 Yishun Street 11 got so annoyed at each other, they fought on 15 November at 1:49am.

Yep, you read that right. 1:49am in the morning, not afternoon. 

Here’s what happened.

Complained About Noise Since March 2021

Since March 2021, 13th-floor resident 61-year-old Peng Guomin has been complaining to Shin Min Daily News about his upstairs neighbour, 14th-floor resident 72-year-old Mr Peng.

He said that his upstairs neighbours were unhappy with him and his son singing and playing guitar at home. The 14th-floor family apparently even threw objects like eggs, sanitary napkins, curry, and stones down their windows, which ended up smashing Peng Guomin’s glass windows.

He made a police report over the smashed windows, and the 14th-floor family stopped their high-rise littering afterward. However, they often yelled vulgarities at his family to “teach them a lesson” for more than a year.

13th-Floor’s POV: Attacked by Iron Rod

Peng Guomin claimed that he has endured such behaviour for a long time, and has changed his habits like wearing earphones while listening to music and being more gentle while closing doors. However, in the early hours of 15 November, the 14th-floor neighbour started yelling at them again, and he couldn’t endure it anymore.

The two parties started yelling at each other through their windows, and Peng Guomin apparently told the neighbour to come downstairs if he had the guts. The neighbour actually came down… while holding an iron rod, which he estimated was about this long:

Image: Shin Min Daily News

Peng Guomin said that he was caught off guard when his neighbour attacked him with the rod, and could only block it with his hands. His sons, who were home, immediately came out to help by grabbing the rod and pinning the neighbour to the ground.

“I was so angry that I wanted to hit him back, but I held myself back. He fell on his own, we didn’t hit him,” Peng Guomin said while recounting the incident.

He then called the police, which arrived and questioned the pair till 5am.

“Now that the police have intervened, I hope he will get the punishment he deserves.”

14th-Floor’s POV: Rod As Self-Defence, Got Attacked First

There are two sides to every story. 14th-floor Mr Peng, when interviewed, similarly complained about his 13th-floor neighbour.

He said that the neighbours would play loud music in the middle of the night, which caused him and his wife to be woken up. As such, they suffered both physically and mentally.

On the night of the incident, the family was allegedly playing loud music again, which was why he woke up and cursed at them.

Well, if I got woken up in the middle of the night by my neighbour’s music, I would definitely be pissed off too.

When the other party provoked him to go downstairs and argue, Mr Peng brought an iron rod with him.

He explained that because the 13th-floor neighbour had young and strong sons, he decided to bring the rod in self-defence in case he was attacked. Mr Peng insisted that he had no intention of hurting anyone when he went downstairs.

Apparently, Peng Guomin made the first move by grabbing his iron rod and allegedly beating him a few times before Mr Peng could fight back.

“His sons also beat my stomach, and stepped on my body after I fell down.”

It seems like each side is saying that the other party attacked first.

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Police Confirmed Report

The police confirmed that the accident happened in the early hours of 15 November. They stated that two men aged 61 and 72 were slightly injured, but refused to be sent to the hospital.

13th-floor Peng Guomin’s hand got broken in the fight, requiring a plaster cast. He claimed that he was attacked at least thrice by the iron rod, causing his right hand to swell and become red and painful the next day. He went to the hospital himself, and confirmed that his right hand was broken.

“I got 14 days of sick leave since I can’t remove the cast for two weeks… Not only is my daily life affected, but I can’t work either. I’m losing at least $2,000,” said Peng Guomin, who works as a private hire car driver.

Meanwhile, 14th-floor Mr Peng suffered multiple bruises on his arm, as well as abdominal pain.

Image: Shin Min Daily News

“If I wanted to hurt him, I would have done it long before this. They bullied me, and beat me till I bled,” Mr Peng said, referring to some bloodstains on the corridor floor.

The case is still under investigation. Even though we have no idea who is speaking the truth, we definitely know one thing: their neighbours must have suffered alongside them.

Even if they miraculously couldn’t hear the loud music or yelling of vulgarities, they definitely would’ve gotten woken up by the fight. Here’s to hoping everyone in that block will be able to get a peaceful night’s sleep from now on. 

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News