There’s an Alarm Clock That Runs Away Beeping Which Confirm-Plus-Chop Wakes You Up

If there’s one thing we all share in common, it’s the ultra real struggle to wake up when our alarm rings. You know the...

A Study Shows If a Person Was Spanked When He / She was a...

If you grew up being hit by your parents, this may be good news for you. But if you were never hit and feel lost...

Bedok Stall Sells ‘Ugly Fruits’ in Buffet Style ‘Coz No One Wants Them

You may be ugly on the outside, but what really matters is what's on the inside. While this saying might not be true in relationships,...

Study Shows Using One Hand to Text Isn’t Healthy

There are three things in life that are imperative for survival—food, water and mobile phones. The last one will take precedence over the first two,...

The Scientific Reason Why Some People Sweat More Than Others & What You Can...

Do you remember running around recess during primary school days and while it's normal to sweat, your perspiration was unusually more than others? It could...

Typo Now Selling Harry Potter Merchandises Including Magical Mugs, Water Bottles & House Tees

Ever since Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald hit the movie screens of Singapore, the Harry Potter fever restarted again on our sunny island. Changi Airport...

Salesgirl Claims Customers Treat Her Differently After Knowing She’s From an ‘Elite School’

Elitism. It’s something that the authorities are trying hard to remove, but it’s something that seems to be ingrained in our culture instead of a...

Eating Chao Da (Burnt) Food Doesn’t Actually Directly Increase the Risks of Cancer

Chao Da, Chao Dah, Chao Ta or Chao Tah, or however you may call it, simply means that it's burnt. I'm sure this is...

Photoshop Expert Shows How S’pore Looks Like in Real Winter

Water is wet, the grass is green; in other news, Singapore is experiencing summer. Again. For like the 10,000th time. And indeed, sometimes I just can't...

A Study Shows That If a Couple Share Each Other’s Passwords, They Are Committed...

Forget roses or promise rings. It's a new digital era, and sharing password is the new wedding vow. Like, seriously. Well, maybe not, but you get...