8 Household Items You Can Actually Use to Clean Stubborn Stains

If there’s one thing years of watching crappy TV advertisements have taught me, it is that stubborn stains are extremely hard to remove unless...

8 Tips to Remove Your Unsightly Scars You Probably Never Heard Of

Do you have unsightly scars that you want to get rid of desperately? Or perhaps you have many failed attempts, which led to you giving...

Unsticking Superglued Hands With Salt Actually Works & It’s Based on Science

Superglue is pretty useful and fun. It comes in a pinch for those pesky school design projects (thanks glue-gun) or when you're at home trying...

Blowing “sand” out of eyes is apparently not a solution

Remember the old wives’ tale, in which if you feel that there’s a grain of sand (or any particle) in your eyes, you should...

10 simple hacks for a better posture so you’ll look taller and more confident

A good posture not only makes you look good but feels good as well. It portrays confidence and reflect a good attitude. No matter...

10 driving tips your instructor never teach you

You’ve just started learning how to drive. Did you know that not everything about driving can be learnt from the book or with your...

Someone Has Found a Way to Seal an Opened Cereal Box & It’s a...

I've never really had breakfast as every day was just a rush to school. There wasn't much time to eat breakfast, given how I'm...

6 hidden secrets of running that professional runners never reveal to you

If you’ve been running or if you’re planning to pick up running, you ought to know these before you continue that routine. Though it...

10 simple fixes to your dandruff issue you wish you knew when people were...

Do you have a case of dandruff as you were growing up? Were you embarrassed whenever you have to wear dark coloured clothes? Especially in...

10 simple ways to deal with people who thinks they’re forever right

There’s always that one annoying pest at work. The one who thinks everything he says is right. And everyone else should follow his way. I...