This hack allows you to open a soft-drink without getting splash—true or false?

Ever open a can of soft drink hurriedly without waiting for the gassiness to subside? One minute you’re in your perfect outfit and the...

8 valid reasons why every girl needs a red lipstick, and you’ll agree after...

Okay, maybe not EVERY girl...Since some of us might not like wearing makeup but if you’re into makeup and are unsure of whether the...

9 things to do with the loose coins you’ve accumulated for years

If you have the habit of saving up all your spare change, whether it's because of your own saving habit or just to lighten...

10 ways to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes because getting Zika is worse than...

Mosquitoes have been around for some time. I hate it when I’m the one who gets bitten half the time when the entire household...

10 simple fixes to your dandruff issue you wish you knew when people were...

Do you have a case of dandruff as you were growing up? Were you embarrassed whenever you have to wear dark coloured clothes? Especially in...

Calbee Teaches You How to Turn Your Empty Potato Chips Bag into a Pencil...

Going stir crazy at home to the point where you binge eat tons of potato chips and have no clue what to do with...

The Best Use for Old Smartphone: Use it as a Car Cam. Here’s How

If you still don’t have an in-car camera, you need to view this video. What if the taxi driver has got no in-car camera? Most...

3 Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Driving Test Results in S’pore

Everyone knows that in Singapore, there’re reckless drivers whom we don’t understand how the heck they got their driving lesson. Well, here’s the truth:...

10 Simple Ways to Boost Your Wifi Signal at Home So You Can Netflix...

Does the TV in your room lose connection all the time? Or, maybe, when you're in an important meeting in your room, the video suddenly...

Here are some hacks to prevent dry and peeling skin on your hand once...

Dry skin is not rare in hot sunny Singapore. If you do not have the habit of applying moisturizer daily, you might just find your skin...