10 Ingenious Cooking Hacks As Recommended By Chefs Themselves

You’ve been wanting to unleash your inner Racheal Ray or Guy Fieri. The thing is, though, it takes them literally minutes to complete a...

3 Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Driving Test Results in S’pore

Everyone knows that in Singapore, there’re reckless drivers whom we don’t understand how the heck they got their driving lesson. Well, here’s the truth:...

10 natural ways to make your teeth white again

The teeth are made up of enamel, dentin, pulp and cementum where the enamel is the strong, white shell providing protection for the inner parts. Our...

10 Things You Can Do with Your Unused Tissue Box

Can you remember how many tissue boxes you've thrown in the last few months? Don't toss your empty tissue boxes just yet! Want to know how...

Here’s How You Can Get Faster Internet Connection In Your HDB Flat

Moving into your new BTO Flat soon? In this article, we’ll run through some things you should take note of when it comes to getting...

3 Instant Hacks on How to Open a Tight Bottle Cap Easily

How to Open a Twist Bottle That Won't Open: Your Ultimate Guide Are you embroiled in a life-or-death struggle with an immovable bottle cap, wondering...

Statistics Show That Booking Flights on Certain Day & Hotels on Certain Day Are...

Renewed your passport and am looking forward to travel again? A 2019 pricing outlook report by travel companies Expedia Group and Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC)...

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Food Coma After Lunch & Why It Happens

Always feeling sleepy after lunch? Blame it on food coma. Food coma happens after eating a large meal that stimulates activity in the parasympathetic nervous...

Ants Magically Appearing in Unattended Sweet Food. Here’s Why and What Can You Do...

One moment you’re leaving a half-eaten cake aside and the next thing you know, there’s an army of ants attacking your leftover sweet treat...

5 Different Ways You Can Use The Foodpanda App Other Than Food Delivery

Singaporeans are not unfamiliar with food delivery app, Food Panda delivery, right? They have totally revolutionised the way we order our food. Where we used...