10 other uses of toothpaste that might just shock you

Toothpaste is something we can't do without, and if we have to go without for a single day, we'll probably feel uncomfortable just like...

5 Simple D.I.Y Solutions You Can Do Easily To Fix Hair Thinning Problems at...

There are many methods to fixing hair thinning, but they can be rather costly at times. Here's a list of items you could probably obtain that...

You’ll cry if you’ve thrown away silica gel bags, because here’re 7 uses for...

You would definitely have seen these bags lying around in the house, or even everything you buy new clothes or even electronics. These little paper...

10 simple hacks to keep your room cool even without air-con or fan

Air con is bad. Really bad. It is bad for your health, bad for the environment and bad for your wallet. So read on...

Top 3 Hacks to Make Your Silver Jewellery Last Longer

We are as conscientious as we can be when it comes to washing our clothes, shoes and bags. But let’s face it, we keep...

Always feel like vomiting during a long ride? Here’s the instant hack to end...

Disclaimer: this article is not meant to replace any professional medical advice. Should you wish to, please consult with your doctor or physician before...

10 simple tricks that allows you to look more confident instantly

It’s a proven fact–people who exude confidence get the big deals. They also get the job done. And the remunerations and promotions always seem...

5 practical tips on how to make your smartphone photos look a lot more...

Smartphone cameras have come a long way. Some photographers even make careers out of mobile photography—photographer Matt Louder uses a Huawei and an iPhone...

This hack to open a wine bottle without a wine opener is a must-know...

You have cooked a romantic candlelight dinner at home and your partner is arriving soon. The food is cooked, the table set, the candles...

The Best-est Makan Times Of The Day To Lose 5KG Without Exercising According to...

Timing plays an important part in our lives, especially when it comes to do with our health. We certainly know how our diet has...