Someone Turned ‘East Coast Plan’ Speech into a Sticker & Raised $1,000 for Charity...

Did you watch the East Coast GRC campaigning speech for this year's General Election? If you did, you probably would have remembered seeing a certain...

Netizen ‘Unboxed’ & Reviewed Party Brochures in East Coast GRC From a Graphic Designer’s...

Lest you're unaware, unboxing reviews are pretty commonplace on video-sharing platforms like Youtube. Routinely encompassing a 'first impression' and (routinely) a comparative analysis with the...

Watch: Dog Moves Fan to Blow Towards It ‘Coz It Can Feel The Heat,...

At a time when there's a deadly virus on the loose, people are losing their jobs, and loved ones are being separated due to...

Latest Grab Update Uses Popular Dad Joke to Convince People to Update Their App

When it comes to app notifications, nobody likes to read the same old boring unimportant message. It was even more disappointing when you wake up...

People Use FaceApp to Change Gender of S’pore Politicians & They Look Beautiful

Having been a hardcore Singaporean all my life, I've always had one persistent innate wish: To see our local charismatic politicians garbed in drag, because...

People Who Have Been Through NS Spotted Something Very Wrong With This Image By...

As local NS boys would surely attest to, face camo is a b*tch. A F*CKING B*TCH- E/N: Hey, watch your mouth. We have young readers here too. Oops,...

YouTuber Used FaceApp to Turn Male Celebrities into Female & They Look Prettier Than...

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year, you'd have known about FaceApp, the app that lets you see into the...

Resident Pasted Hilarious Note to People Smoking & Spitting in Bedok HDB Stairways

I'm personally not a smoker. However, as long as you're doing it legally, I don't think anyone really bothers too much about people who do. Unless...

GrabFood Rider Got Stuck in Lift With His Bicycle & Had to be Rescued...

Not many people are aware of the dangers involved in being a food delivery rider. Sure, it seems like they're just gleefully riding around on...

Boy Gained So Much Weight During Lockdown, He Can’t Fit Into His Uniform When...

The ongoing epidemic is many things: infectious, deadly and terrifying. And yet at the same time, it's also other things: a platform for scams, the...