Today (22 Dec) is 冬至. Here’s Why You Should Eat 汤圆.

Today is the only day of the year where this article is relevant. Oops, wrong atmosphere, let me start again. Today, we're going to talk about...

Do You Know That the Colour of Your Passport Represents Something?

Okay, this might be a very trivia question, just like why are the skies blue or why are the rain clouds dark, but we...

Gardens By The Bay To Have A New Garden With ‘Never-Seen-Before’ Flowers & a...

Fans of gardens, bays, flowers and fantasies (GBFF for short), here's an exciting update. A new attraction is coming to Gardens by the Bay, and...

5 Things You Really Should Stop Doing to an Auto Car Before It’s Too...

Nowadays, more and more people are going for a class 3A license instead of a usual class 3 license. An automatic transmission is far more...

Ultimate Concise Guide to The Fortune of All Chinese Zodiac Signs in the Year...

No matter what you plan for yourself this year, we cannot ignore the pressing concerns far beyond galactical planets: our Chinese zodiac. The annual fortune...

S’pore’s Movie Tickets Are the 10th Most Expensive in the World

Netflix is cheap and convenient, but there's nothing quite like watching a movie at the cinema. Comfy seats, a huge widescreen, and a magnificent sound...

I Travelled to Australia During The COVID-19 Pandemic & It Was Weird

If a 2021 version of myself travelled back in time to warn my 2019 self of a future pandemic, my past self would probably...

This Hiking Trail in S’pore Brings You To Forgotten Bunker, Japanese Tomb & Hidden...

Here in Singapore, we have various official hiking trails - Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Chek Jawa Wetlands and more. Fitspo Tan: I know, I've explored...

Research Shows That Women Snores As Loud As Men Despite Them Not Admitting It

Women like to lie about a lot of things. I have a friend called Jimmy. Let's just say that his life changed when he...

The Top 9 Hotels In S’pore According To Travellers & Their Costs Coz We...

Last year was TripAdvisor's 17th year of hosting the prestigious Travellers’ Choice® awards for Hotels. A grand total of 7,812 properties in 94 countries and...