10 Facts About Cockroaches You Didn’t Want to Know

Most of us can’t say we have a particular liking for the pests that plague the darkest corners of our homes, and we usually...

YouTuber Has a Video About S’pore That Has Wrong Info That Can Be Googled...

Once in a while, random videos about Singapore’s success will pop up on your YouTube feeds. Whether it is a review of the country by...

HomeTeamNS’ Indoor Airsoft Arena Officially Opening Tomorrow (29 Nov)

Back in Aug 2020, the HomeTeamNS Clubhouse at Khatib unveiled an exciting new facility. A realistic counterstrike arena where you can test your mettle against...

You Can Now Eat Your Sunblock. Here’s How

Ladies, most of you would kill to have fair, radiant skin like Song Hye Kyo, right? And yes, it's perfectly safe for the consumption of...

Adidas Now Has a Real Face Mask Which Cost $16 for 3 & They...

Been looking for a really trendy face mask that doesn't make you look like an operating surgeon or K-pop wannabe? Well, this might just be...

Study Shows Optimistic People Live Longer & Are Less Prone To Heart Attacks

If you thought that being happy is just new-age nonsense, then it's time to seriously reconsider because here's some hard evidence. The Science of Happiness In...

10 Facts About Dengue Fever, The Other Disease That S’pore is Fighting Against

If you were on social media nowadays, you'll quickly realise it's all about Dee Kosh Covid-19 And cats. But what everyone is forgetting is dengue, the virus...

5 Locations for Private Pool Parties in Singapore for an Atas Birthday Party

Having a private pool is always popular among guests as it simply lifts up the mood of the entire party. As Singapore is almost...

Stop Buying Antibacterial Products As They’re Useless to the Coronavirus

There's a reason why the COVID-19 is known as a CoronaVIRUS. And last I checked, bacteria and viruses aren't quite the same. Antibacterial Products Are Useless to...

7 Best-looking Condos in S’pore That Look Like Tourist’s Attractions

Don’t you just love a good getaway? Even if it means just staying in a hotel or resort. Staying in Singapore has rendered our usual...