5 Most Extreme Facial Treatments People Actually Subject Themselves To

Being beautiful is hard work. We spend thousands on skincare products and treatments so that we can remain youthful and get stuck in the...

3 Celebrities Start Company On Facebook To Sell Almost Anything On Livestream

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit people's wallets hard, and celebrities are no different. One started a fish-selling online business while another decided to rent out...

The Ultimate & Useful Guide to Hiding your Nervousness in Any Situation (Includes Public...

I remember that once upon a time, when I was in a course for public speaking, the instructor said this: “The audience can’t see...

There’s a Portable Bathtub for Small HDB Toilets for Less Than $200

Always wanted to incorporate a bathtub in your own home, only to falter at the 'miniscule' size of your confined HDB toilet? Well, here's an...

Netizens Share Experiences Of Being Broke; 1 of Them Even Used Tissues As Sanitary...

Ever wondered what it's like to be poor because you're too busy swimming in money notes? Well, these Netizens have something to say about it...

Experts Reveal That People Don’t Actually Need To Drink 8 Glasses of Water Daily

You know that friend who drinks copious amounts of water every day like a camel and visits the bathroom way too often because they...

A Study Shows That People Who Chase ‘Likes’ in Social Media Are Insecure

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat: we all have them. Their biggest draw is attention from those you know and those you don’t, usually in...

World’s First Pokémon Master is Organizing a Mass Pokémon Hunt in Chinatown

If you've been wandering around your neighbourhood spotting for Pokemon but craves for a more adventurous hunt, join the Pokemon Go community and hop on...

Ultimate Concise Guide to The Fortune of All Chinese Zodiac Signs in the Year...

The Lunar New Year falls on 12 Feb 2021. Seeing how 2020 is basically a bad year for most of us (unless you're Sheng Siong...

Chewing Your Food 35 Times Can Apparently Control Your Weight

Have you heard of the latest fad? That would be chewing your food 35 times in order to control weight gain. As ludicrous as it sounds,...