Everything About the 1.1km Waterslide in Penang That Everyone is Hyped For

People always say that guys should bring girls on dates to horror films because there is a high chance that she would cuddle you,...

6 Useful Tips To Help You Survive A Train Breakdown In S’pore

This is a guest post contributed by Ling. Train breakdowns are so common in Singapore these days that they are no longer something new to...

8 S’pore Road Signs That Even Seasoned Drivers Won’t Know About

You might be a 30-year-old seasoned driver who has 45 years of driving experience, but touch your heart: do you know what every single...

Netizen Did A Bubble Tea Cup Sizes Comparison & Found Out That We Shouldn’t...

Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them very simply help us find answers to questions that we all thought about, but never quite...

Explore Pastamania: Halal Pasta Paradise from Singapore

For those pasta lovers who frequently turn to Pastamania to satisfy their cravings, the allure is usually a generous plate of spaghetti served at...

In the Future, We Might All Be ‘Eating’ Water Instead of Drinking Them

A company in the UK, Skipping Rocks Lab, is developing a new biodegradable packaging radically different from traditional beverage packaging. Soon, water might just not...

This Year’s Christmas Light-Up in Orchard Road Has Food Trucks, Rides & Even NERF...

There’s a big difference between last year’s Christmas light-up in Orchard Road and this year’s light-up. No, it’s not that it’ll be grander. Or that...

Here’s The Scientific Reason Why Stubbing Your Toe Is So Super Painful

If there was a survey done on the number of people who have ever stubbed their toe, I’m sure the results will be a...

10 Facts About Peanut Allergy That S’poreans Should Know About

When you hear “allergy”, perhaps the first thing you think of is the kind of allergy that makes you sneeze and cough for hours....

5 Important Facts About Diabetes in S’pore Every S’porean Should Know

This is a guest post contributed by Ling. Did you know that Singapore has the second-highest proportion of diabetics among developed nations? According to a 2015 report...