Footage Of Guide Dog Guiding Her Owner to a Seat in an MRT Train...

There are some videos that shouldn’t even be on the Internet at all, and there are some that are made for the Internet. And this...

Here’s Science Predicting Your Personality Based On Your Favourite Colour

Ever get stumped when people ask you what your favourite colour is? Actually, deep down, you probably already have an answer to that. We all have our...

8 Facts About China That Are So Weird You’ll Think We Made Them Up

Ah, the Chinese. Just when we think they can't come up with anything weirder, they somehow manage to surprise us. Here are 8 facts about China that are...

These Are How Certain Animals Look Like Without Their Fur

We always thought that animals look really cute with their furs or feathers: sometimes, it's so fluffy, you're going to die. But can you imagine...

10 Animal Abuse Cases in S’pore That Would Trigger Even Non-Animal Lovers

I don't know about you guys, but I am an animal lover. Especially dogs. They are my Achilles heel (10/10 would do anything for doggo). Yep,...

Armour Vehicles Could Be Travelling Around Your Neighbourhood On 10 Aug

Remember this iconic scene from Ah Boys to Men 4? Well, you're going to see this again this year, minus the destruction, of course. NDP to...

10 Facts About GST in Singapore Other Than The Fact That It’s Going to...

Goods and Service Tax in Singapore is commonly known as GST. The joke is that you can't scare a Singaporean with a ghost, but you...

10 Ways to Bargain Like a Professional Negotiator (i.e. Auntie Level)

Bargaining professionally is an important skill, and it's not limited to just aunties. You will need to apply it when you go to wet...

NSF Shared How His Parents Allegedly Called Him ‘Guniang’ For Posting To Non-Combat Role

Sexism is usually a problem for women, but it can affect men too. We often place pressure and expectations on men based on an outdated...

Crabtree & Evelyn Coming Back to S’pore With New Products That Are Only Available...

If you are (or were) a fan of the Crabtree & Evelyn brand from the UK, January must've brought about a big shock to you. You...