Customer Horrified To Find Centipede In His Noodles at Bugis Hawker Centre

Usually, we have no issues dining out. Most food stall establishments have been served an "A", "B", "C" or "D" rating by the National Environment...

Mother Made Police Report After Son Was Caned On Legs in School

"Pull some dirty tricks, time for the stick." This motto kept me (mostly) well-behaved as a kid. No child, or adult, for that matter, ever...

Former Zimbabwe President Passes Away In Singapore At Age 95

If you clicked on this article expecting a fun time, well... I think you're better off elsewhere. According to Straits Times, former Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe has...

Japan Rail Operator To Open Retail Outlets In 85% Of Thomson-Line Stations

If you don't already know, THOMSON-EAST COAST LINE (TEL) IS COMING!! It will be opening in 5 stages, starting from this year to 2024. TEL will...

One Of The Two Singaporeans Who Died In California Boat Fire Was An Avid...

Tragedy struck in a wave of heat on 2 September (Monday) in California. If you keep up with the news often, you'd have heard of...

Samsung Galaxy Fold To Start Selling In S’pore On 18 Sep; Costs More Than...

Are you the type to read a book on your smartphone or tablet on the MRT or bus ride to work? You perhaps feel more...

Woman Who Stole Samsung Note 9 Left In Toilet Gets Jailed

So, I'm an iPhone user. Oh no, wait, I can feel some of you judging me already. Look I'm sure Samsung phones are great, in...

100 Hawksbill Turtles Hatched & Released Into The Sea at Sentosa’s Tanjong Beach

Around two months ago, a mama Hawksbill turtle was wandering around the shores of Singapore in the middle of the night, looking for a...

Orchard Smokers Fined For Smoking Outside Box With Unclear Lines

Earlier this year, the National Environment Agency (NEA) introduced a smoking ban at Orchard Road. With this smoking ban, smokers are only allowed to smoke...

Yishun Aunties Kiss & Hug Law Minister K Shanmugam During Walkabout

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "Yishun"? Over the years, many of us have slowly started to associate Yishun with "bad...