2018 Is A Good Year To Get Married, According To HDB

Us Singaporean males have a truly unique way of proposing to our girlfriends. Something my ex-colleague from China find weird but intriguing. Something that's so practical...

My Word Against Yours: Man Refuses to Cancel Grab Ride Even After Allegedly Waiting...

I'm still waiting for something to surprise me nowadays. Instead, it's just lots of articles about people doing stupid/entitled things to each other and the...

The Reason Why Yole Said ‘Bye’ to LlaoLlao is Finally Revealed

In this latest issue of Yole weekly, we dish out the dirt, sand and grit of the ongoing Yole-Llaollao feud, as well as dips...

A Blogger Posted Footage of SIA First-class Suite & It’ll be on Everyone’s Bucket...

Singapore Airlines, the best airline in the world, has once again outdone itself. Last month, it unveiled its changes for its revamped Airbus 380s. But...

Footage of Parent Hitting Kid in MRT Gone Viral: Is it Abuse or Discipline?

The Chinese have a saying: "Spare the rod, and spoil the child." And judging by how certain Generation Z individuals turned out, you can kinda...

Sleeping on the Bus? Google Maps’ Got You Covered!

Why couldn't we have this a few years ago? I could only lament at this while I read through the article. Back when I was schooling,...

More Rain, Thunder and Lightning Till The End of The Year

Happy Monday, guys, time for the fortnightly weather update. Has the rain been keeping you down? If so, then hang on tight (to your brolly) coz’...

Baby Was Born in a GrabCar & Was Given ‘Baby Bonus’ of $8K

As the end of 2017 draws near, Goody Feed shares the joy of Grab and the Chow family, who recently welcomed a baby who...

The War of Words Between Llaollao & Yole is More Eggciting Than a Channel...

If you believe in happily-ever-after, you would probably have shed a tear when llaollao announced their comeback. Or if you are the kind that likes...

News Report of IG ‘Rooftoppers’ Saying That They Didn’t Do it for Likes Backfired

Let's face it; the world's a pretty safe place to live in now. And yes, that's factoring in all the US-North Korea, ISIS and Trump hogwash. But...