I think someone in UOB is drunk to have come out with the name...

It’s not often that a new credit card would generate so much hype, so when this one got into the headlines, it’s no surprise...

Wah, in Bedok, Thai food outlets are having a war

Competition among businesses is common—in fact, it’s healthy, if not it’ll be a monopoly. So recently, we came across a story in mistamchiak.com about...

SAF retired dogs are up for adoption. Here’s what you must know

If you’ve been wanting to adopt a dog, here’s your chance. The SAF and the SPF regularly conduct adoption drives for their retired dogs, typically...

This man is now famous for blowing bubbles and arguing with the police

There’s an uncle who’s now famous island-wide. And trust me, it’s not for doing the right thing, or being a hero. No, he didn’t rescue...

The Real S’pore editor once said he / she is a “pro shit stirrer”...

The Real Singapore case just got realer. Just an update for those who are not in the loop: two people allegedly operating The Real Singapore...

This guy stole a phone in a crowded shopping mall and no one saw...

To be honest, sometimes, we think Singapore is so safe that we’ll just leave our valuables unattended, because “this is Singapore leh, who will...

You’ll be awed by what this man did after discovering his bank account has...

If you had no money left in your account, what would be your first reaction? Is it our fault or the bank's fault? Obviously, most...

Jurong-ers, rejoice: It’s revealed that Jurong will be so damn cool soon that everyone...

Did you know that Jurong used to be a swampland before it was industrialised? Now, it's going to be become even cooler than an...

NSmen can now use their laptops in bunks. Here’s what you must know

For years, going to ICT means having to be disconnected from your work for one or two weeks, for most work is done via...

Amos Yee is missing and his mother is pleading for his whereabouts, but the...

If you haven’t heard about Amos Yee for months, it’s not that you no longer care—it’s that Amos Yee has indeed been quiet since...