10 Things a Homeowner Can’t Get a Foreign Domestic Worker to Do (But Some...

You’ve just hired a foreign domestic worker for your home. It’s completely understandable, especially when there’s so many things that needs to be taken...

According to A Study, Losing Your Job is Worse Than Losing Your Wife/Hubby

Turns out that however much we complain about our jobs, it is still really crucial for our mental health and self-confidence. We can bitch about...

Study Shows That S’pore Workers Aren’t Productive, Spending Only 60% of Their Time Doing...

In a surprising report, a study has stated that Singaporeans were the least productive compared to 11 other countries in a recent poll. If you’re...

This Company Is Hiring People To Help Eat Pizzas. Best. Job. Ever.

Hi friends, I regret to inform you that I'm leaving Goody Feed soon because I just applied for another job. It's not an easy job...

If you have these 5 thoughts during work daily, you need to resign before...

It can be difficult to know when you should leave your job. How much stress is "too much" and how low should the pay be...

10 Traits of a Bad Leader That Many Managers in S’pore Have

Have you ever wanted to tell your manager what they are doing wrong because you absolutely can’t take it anymore? Perhaps your manager picks on...

Restaurant Couldn’t Find a Dishwasher Until They Offered $3,500/Month (& It’s Still not a...

The Food & Beverage Industry is always facing manpower shortages. There’s this… underlying stigma where Singaporeans think white-collar jobs are far better than blue-collar jobs,...

What ridiculously unusual things can you get out of NTUC? You’ll never believe this

Ask anyone on the street what they think about the trade union in Singapore, and most will probably give you a blank face and...

Remember the defunct Safe Superstore? Its demise in 6 months will teach all of...

Raise a hand if you’ve heard of Safe Superstore. Well, probably only one of you is raising your hand now. Most army men back...

8 types of bosses that we really want to kick in the ass

Office politics is common, you're always fighting with other colleagues for a promotion or to get in the Boss' good books. But, it sucks...