8 Things Every Poly Student Should Know Before Getting A Part-Time Job
If you’re a student and you’re considering if you should take up a part-time job, we’re here to give you some insights.
Personally, I’ve worked...
Soon, Smart Offices Can Detect The Exact Amount of Time You Went to the...
Let's face it; everyone has skived at work before.
You, me, the lady next to you and that creep under the table. We are all guilty...
9 Reasons Why S’poreans Do OT. Which One Are You?
Overtime, fondly known as OT in Singapore is a common complaint among office and non-office workers. It is perhaps the main reason why Singapore...
This Company Is Hiring People To Help Eat Pizzas. Best. Job. Ever.
Hi friends, I regret to inform you that I'm leaving Goody Feed soon because I just applied for another job.
It's not an easy job...
There’s a Real Job Where You’ll Just Shop Online with SGD$4,000. Literally.
That’s the entire job. You get S$4,000, and you use the money to buy things for yourself. You can even work from home!Oh, I’m...
10 Tricks to Stop Procrastination & Finally Get Things Done
I was never really one to procrastinate since I am a firm believer of the saying"先苦后甜".
I think the phrase can be loosely translated into...
Things To Do Before You Ask Your Boss For A Pay Raise To Increase...
I know, I know. I get it. You're sick of your measly pay rates. You've long outstripped the mere perimeters of the grandiose job scope...
Some Companies in S’pore Give More Than 6 Months Paid Leave for New Parents
Is there really work-life balance in Singapore?
It's very likely you'd be scoffing at this very thought, "Nah...all companies want to do is to earn...
10 Traits of a Bad Leader That Many Managers in S’pore Have
Have you ever wanted to tell your manager what they are doing wrong because you absolutely can’t take it anymore?
Perhaps your manager picks on...
Restaurant in Orchard Switched to 4-Day Workweek & Solved Manpower Issue Immediately
If there is one true constant in the Food and Beverage (F&B) industry, it is manpower shortages.
Seriously, ask anyone who has worked at a...