Don’t Say Bojio: Up to 70% off in Tangs!

Are you a regular at Tangs? Good news for you! Tangs is having its annual sale up to 70% off, and it is too...

Don’t Say BoJio: 7-Eleven Releases 7 Limited Edition Lucky Plushies For Sale!

For those who are huge fans of 7-Eleven’s limited edition plushies, you can now rejoice as they are now back with cuter and irresistible...

Don’t Say Bojio: Gain City Mega Sale in 2 Locations from 28 to 30...

Are you free this weekend? If you're not, you might want to make yourself free, especially those couples who just received their keys and...

Don’t Say Bojio: Manhattan Fish Market Fish & Chips at $4.99++ For 3 Days...

Do you love fish and chips? Or maybe you're just a fan of Manhattan Fish Market? Whichever you are, this deal is going to...

Don’t Say BoJio: 1-For-1 Geláre Waffles DAILY (Till 5 July 17)

Yup, you saw that right. Instead of only having Geláre waffles on Tuesdays, you can now have it EVERY DAY from now till July!Time to...

Don’t Say Bojio: Super IG-Worthy Buffet With Crabs, Lobster & Others in PARKROYAL on...

All I want for Christmaaaassss is…food. There, I said it (for you guys out there). If there’s good food, I’m down for it. If there’s...

Don’t Say Bojio: $4 OFF Your GrabTaxi with Latest Promo Code (Until 19 Feb)

Grab has offered a Valentine’s Day code for cheaper taxi rides. It’s $4 off your GrabTaxi, just to get you to go out more...

10 Best-est Deals Happening This Week (24 May–30 May) That Kiasu Singaporeans Cannot Miss

It's that time of the month again: the final stretch before you collect that long-awaited, elusive paycheck. Indeed, you're now surviving on your last scraps...

Don’t Say Bojio: 7 Kiasu-est Deals Happening in Spore This Week (30 Apr-6 May)

Happy Monday! And this time, I can say this genuinely because...tomorrow's a public holiday. And here's something good to add to your already good mood. From free...

Don’t say BoJio: YOU Could Be Tasting LiHo’s New Drinks, For Free!

Dig Milk and Cheese Teas? Dig Liho? Well, you'll totally dig into LiHo's latest offer, then! On 14 September 2017, YOU could be tasting their new drinks,...