McDonald’s S’pore to Revamp Packaging for a Simplified, Cleaner Look

When it comes to food, taste is not the only deciding factor. Its presentation is equally essential as well. That’s why you’ll be glad to...

10 Foods That’ll Make You So Thirsty After That, You Can Drink a Swimming...

Have you ever been struck by an unquenchable thirst and wondered, "What foods make me thirsty?" or "Why am I so parched?" The answers may...

10 desserts you can make at home within 10 min to impress your bae

If there’s one thing that can impress a bae instantly, it’s food. And I’m not talking about food in general, but one specific kind. Desserts. Gooey...

10 best Hong Kong foods in S’pore that makes you feel like you’re in...

Have you ever travelled overseas and had the best local mouthwatering delicacy in a country? It is rather depressing when you have to return back...

OnlyFans Creator Titus Low Opening a New Ice-Cream Parlour

Besides the ability to take gratuitous images of himself, OnlyFans creator Titus Low has shown that he’s capable of giving people whiplash. From being charged...

Don’t Say Bojio: Durian High-Tea Buffet from 3 June to 31 July 2019

It's May. And a very specific group of people know what that means. It's durian season. But if you were even smarter, and say, downloaded our...

KFC S’pore Now Selling Salted Egg Chicken & Hazelnut Choc Egg Tarts Again

People, if you've missed the previous salted egg chicken launched by KFC during National Day this year, I've got great news for you. It's back...

8 reasons why 純萃。喝 isn’t worth the hype; go catch Pokémon instead

Even before the craze of 純萃。喝 (Chun Cui He) took Singapore by storm, I’ve already known its existence a while back and tried a...

This Minimalist Cafe is So Instagram-Worthy, You’ll Go Back Ten Times Just for New...

If you think minimalism and cafes aren't good friends, then you need to see this. Decked in full white, this cafe took a minimalist interior...

10 best chwee kueh in S’pore that gives health-conscious people the middle finger

Chwee kueh is one of the more underrated local food in Singapore especially when you compare it to the heavyweights like Laksa, Chicken Rice and...